Datawarehouse Workflow: ETLP Extract Transform LoadProvide Make user- friendly formats Dynamic database Charts & Maps Tools & websites Archive native formats
Datawarehouse Workflow: ETLP Extract Transform LoadProvide tools models add meta information netCDF on web server transform to netCDF netCDF on OPeNDAP server data providers = data users data Make user- friendly formats Dynamic database Charts & Maps Tools & websites Archive native formats
DATA = RAW DATA + PROCESSING DATA = RAW DATA (volts) History will never change! one parameter at one place at one time PROCESSING Interpretation does change! e.g. instrument deterioriation, recalibration + NASA satellite data with open source SeaDas processing toollkit (in IDL) L0: dump of recorded voltages, only averaged over 16 pixels LAC: MLAC GAC L1: voltages + satellite track L2 ~ physical quantities L3 ~ binned in space (1 grid instead of zillions of warped photos) L4 ~ binned in time (climatology) Deltares Aukepc for flumes Stored raw data With calibration coefficients Allows for recalibration
Datawarehouse Workflow Extract Transform LoadProvide Subversion repository tools models add meta information netCDF on web server transform to netCDF netCDF on OPeNDAP server data data providers = data users Make user- friendly formats Dynamic database Charts & Maps Tools & websites Archive native formats
Programme today, and current session 1 3 D:\ tools models add meta information netCDF on web server transform to netCDF netCDF on OPeNDAP server data data providers = data users 2 Extract Transform LoadProvide Subversion repository
Repository username Get username and password. Why, OpenEarth is open, right? Yes, but closed community For best quality all actions are logged: Nothing can be lost, only temporarily disabled So anyone can be allowed to join Every file is logged … … and every line in every file is logged.
commit central database: local copy D:\ E:\ F:\ REPOSITORY basics delete add copy update browse checkout
commit central database: local copy D:\ E:\ F:\ REPOSITORY browse delete add copy update browse checkout
commit central database: local copy D:\ E:\ F:\ REPOSITORY checkout delete add copy update browse checkout Not handy to get files one by one with browser Get them all at once with free program
REPOSITORY checkout Download and install Tortoise ( Make a checkout in e.g. F:\checkouts\ No need to back this up, it’s only a copy...
REPOSITORY checkout Copy url from browser (case sensitive!) Make sure that tree of local copy resembles server
commit central database: local copy D:\ E:\ F:\ REPOSITORY commit delete add copy update browse checkout
REPOSITORY commit up to date modified
commit central database: local copy D:\ E:\ F:\ REPOSITORY update delete add copy update browse checkout
REPOSITORY statistics
commit central database: local copy D:\ E:\ F:\ REPOSITORY add delete add copy update browse checkout
REPOSITORY add a raw dataset OpenEarthRawData is very big: don’t make a full checkout To add a thing, first make an empty checkout of the destination.
REPOSITORY add a raw dataset There are 2 copies of 1 file on your PC: Visible working copy, for editing Hidden shadow copy, to detect changes Before adding a file to the server, a shadow copy must be created. Allows for offline working
REPOSITORY add a raw dataset Now the addition must be simply be committed as any change
REPOSITORY add The repository is supposed to be working anytime Do not play with the actual repository All advanced users will by annoyed by this But then, how I can I learn how to work with it? Solution: use the sandbox Play around at the highest level as much as you like And clean up afterwards (delete) With your browser:
commit central database: local copy D:\ E:\ F:\ REPOSITORY delete delete add copy update browse checkout
REPOSITORY add a raw dataset There are 2 copies of 1 file on your PC: Visible working copy, for editing Hidden shadow copy, to detect changes When deleting a file on the server, your shadow copy be informed Allows for working offline
REPOSITORY add a raw dataset Now the deletion must be simply be committed as any change
REPOSITORY delete Now delete the addition you made in And check the log file, to see what colleagues did.
commit central database: local copy D:\ E:\ F:\ REPOSITORY copy delete add copy update browse checkout
REPOSITORY copy Again: first inform shadow copy locally, then commit to server … Drag with right-mouse button
OpenEarthRawData Raw data are stored under Data are stored with copyright holder as main directory. This allows copyright holders to maintain their own data copyright holders to shift easily from private to open source users to identify whom to acknowlegde Data should also contain dedicated processing scripts (if not in OpenEarthTools) url file to web source INSPIRE XML meta-data file
Summary: current session 1 3 D:\ tools models add meta information netCDF on web server transform to netCDF netCDF on OPeNDAP server data data providers = data users 2 Extract Transform LoadProvide Subversion repository
Next: use OpenEarthTools to make netCDF 1 3 D:\ tools models add meta information netCDF on web server transform to netCDF netCDF on OPeNDAP server data data providers = data users 2 Extract Transform LoadProvide Subversion repository