international English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano O © PAL
O P A L O P A L Database system for Addresses, Projects, Documents and Dossiers Dolphin’s Design Wolfgang W. Rehfus © To continue press the key [ ], return with [ ]. rganising... ending Files etters ctivities rganisations ersons istings ddresses the perfect supplement to Microsoft Office user-friendly - flexible - professional
Copyright © 2014 Dolphin‘s Design Wolfgang W. Rehfus Welcome to the presentation... OPAL 7.0 © Click a menu selection. Continue with key [ ]. Return with [ ]. Dolphin’s Design Wolfgang W. Rehfus © Concept and Design Multilingual User Interface Activities (documents, letters, notes, etc.) Activities (documents, letters, notes, etc.) Persons, Addresses, Numbers (phone, fax, ) Persons, Addresses, Numbers (phone, fax, ) Projects Catalogues and Listings Mailing Letters Export and Import Database and Security Selection Lists, Options, Accounts, Help Selection Lists, Options, Accounts, Help [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Relations Activities and Dossiers Documents, letters, notes, pending files, faxes, s, contracts, offers, orders, ideas, etc. OPAL Concept and Design... The optimized database design of OPAL enables an easy and flexible relations management of organisations, persons, addresses, projects, dossiers, activities and documents. In addition all persons and projects can be linked with any number of custom defined catalogues, mailing lists and attributes. All activities are linked with custom defined activity groups. Persons Organisations, persons, companies, etc. Projects Projects, products, folders, etc. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
English user interface... The Welcome-Wizard helps to set the main options for new users of OPAL. On the first page you can choose the language for the graphical user interface. All options set by the Welcome-Wizard are stored for the current Usercode and may be changed in the menu "Tools / Options" at any time. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
German user interface... With a click on "Ich spreche Deutsch..." the german user interface is activated and the entire system appears in german. An example for a german selection list is displayed in the background. All selection lists can be modified, extended and translated by the user. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
French user interface... If the french user interface is selected, all menus and selection lists are displayed in french. An example for a french selection list is displayed in the background. All selection lists can be defined and translated by the user. A click on "Je parle français..." in the Welcome-Wizard informs which parts are not fully translated into french. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Italian user interface... If the italian user interface is selected all menus and selection lists are displayed in italian. An example for an italian selection list is displayed in the background. All selection lists can be defined and translated by the user. A click on "Io parlo Italiano..." in the Welcome-Wizard informs which parts are not fully translated into italian. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
[ Menu ][ Start ][ End ] OPAL Welcome-Wizard The OPAL Welcome-Wizard supports and automates the entry and the setting of the main options (see menu "Tools / Options”) for each new user of OPAL: Location and date format, the names and the dossier of the user, the senders name, ad-hoc-stationery header and signature with address, phone, fax and of the user. The account (SMTP) of the user will be prepared as far as possible. The commonly used postcodes can be imported and the commonly used stationery can be adjusted.
Activities (Documents): Document Management (letters, notes, contracts, etc.) Hyperlink-Documents : Separately stored and via Hyperlink linked file (or with OLE in the OPAL database embedded file). OPAL-Documents: Stored directly in the OPAL database. They need up to 80 % less memory ! Status: unfinished‚ completed (Original), pending files with priorities, etc. Each activity may be linked with any number of persons and projects. By that each activity is shown in the dossiers of all linked persons and projects. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Display of all activities - For each selected activity all linked dossiers of persons and projects are displayed. - For each selected activity all linked enclosures are displayed. - Each activity may have any number of enclosures. Files of enclosures are linked via hyperlink. - The displayed activities can be restricted with various options and filters. Example: activity list or priority list, pending files (own ones or from others), dossier of current usercode, any date from - until, mailings, s, faxes, etc. - With the buttons "Text" and "Note" (on the top right in the window) a preview of the text or the additional note of each selected activity becomes visible within the displayed list. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Double-Click on an activity with a Hyperlink-Document: The document is opened automatically in its application (e.g. Microsoft Word). [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Double-Click on an activity with a OPAL-Document: The menu 'Preview (Print, Fax, )' is displayed to open or print the document. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
[ Menu ][ Start ][ End ] Preview (Print, Fax, ): The displayed document may be directly printed or sent via fax or with a click on the buttons in the toolbar. The header / -footer was generated as defined for the selected stationery.
Documents... - Documents can be send HTML formatted or as pure text fast and direct via your private Internet account (SMTP), fully independent of other mail clients (such as Microsoft Outlook). Enclosures (separate files linked via hyperlink) can automatically be send as attachments together with the . Please see the example later in this presentation. - Documents can also be send completely via including professional header / footer and the scanned signature (also via Microsoft Outlook as attachment in Snapshot format including a link to download the free Microsoft Snapshot Viewer). Fax Documents... - Documents can be send completely via fax including professional header / footer and the scanned signature. - The document can be send either directly via the installed fax application or via the installed mail client (e.g. Microsoft Outlook) and Microsoft Fax. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Double-Click on a linked person: Display the complete dossier of this person (or project) [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Click, to create a new activity... The assistant creates the new activity document with the selected options. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Preview and / or directly send the or the fax. Quick creation of documents... Only the text of the letter (e.g. "I am glad to inform you...“) has to be entered to complete the new document. All other data (stationery, address, date, subject, salutation, greetings, signature, etc.) had been taken automatically from the wizard and database. All definitions of the new document can be changed in the window 'Activity Details'. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ] The was automatically HTML formatted and sent directly by OPAL (independent of any other clients such as Microsoft Outlook).
Close this window to display and set the Activity Status... Quick creation of documents... Only the text of the letter (e.g. "I am glad to inform you...“) has to be entered to complete the new document. All other data (stationery, address, date, subject, salutation, greetings, signature, etc.) had been taken automatically from the wizard and database. All definitions of the new document can be changed in the window 'Activity Details'. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Activity Status... - Each activity can be marked as unfinished (‘In hand, editing‘) or as finished ‘Original‘. The subject (title) of unfinished activities is displayed in red. For finished activities the subject is displayed in black. - Each activity can be marked as own pending file or as someone else's ‘Your Pending File‘ including various priority levels. All activity lists may be sorted by priority and can be filtered to display only the own or the pending files of others. - Activities, which are marked as ‘Confidential‘ are only visible to the creator (usercode) of the activity. The creator can show or hide his/her confidential activities in the activity lists and protect them with an additional password. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
New Activity with Hyperlink-Document... - Activities with Hyperlink-Documents are created in the same way as any other activity. - If the option 'Hyperlink-Document' is set on page 2 of the wizard ‘New Activity...‘, the file linked with the selected stationery is copied and stored with an automatically generated unique file name in the default directory ('...\OPAL\Documents\...'). - If the option 'Edit new document path\filename...' is set on page 4 in the wizard, the path can be selected and the file name entered individually. - The new activity is linked automatically with the new created file and displayed for editing (see next page)... [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ] Date fields with Calendar... The date can be entered directly into the date field or can be selected from the calendar. The button to open the calendar always appears, when the mouse is moved over a date field. Help Tips... A little help-tip appears in many cases, when the mouse is rested on a field, selection list, button or option.
[ Menu ][ Start ][ End ] New Activity with Hyperlink-Document... - The new created activity is displayed automatically in the window 'Activity Details', and the linked file is opened in its application (e.g. Microsoft Word) for editing. - The document already contains the automatically generated text parts (address, date, subject, salutation, greeting, etc.) and only the requested text of the letter must be entered. - The document can be formated directly in its application.
Persons and Addresses: Administration of all persons and addresses Unlimited number of addresses for each person / organisation International address formats Unlimited number of relations Display of the complete dossier (activities) [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Display of all persons and addresses - For each selected person all addresses are displayed. - Direkt Internet access. - For each selected address all numbers are displayed. - A double-click opens the details. - Automatic creation of activities (documents) for the selected person addresses with button... - Automatic phone dialer. - The displayed persons may be restricted with various options, sort orders and filters. - With the button "Note" a little preview of the notes for the selected person, address and number is displayed. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Display of all persons and relations - For each selected person all relations to other persons and projects are displayed. - Automatic creation of activities (documents) for the selected person addresses with button... - For each selected relation all direct-numbers are displayed. - Automatic phone dialer. Window-Size... All main forms can be adjusted to the size of the computer screen for each usercode to meet individual requirements. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Click, to add a new person... Existing persons are automatically displayed during the entry of new names to avoid duplicates. With the buttons "Find..." all details of existing persons and organisations may be displayed. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Integration of person details with activities (documents)... The names, mail addition, letter salutation, etc. are automatically used for new documents. If the option beside the field "Reference" is set, the field "Reference" is automatically used in a separate line of the subject in a new activity document. Example: if the customer number or the insurance number is stored in the field "Reference", this entry is automatically added to the subject of each new letter to the person or organisation and can not be forgotten. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
International address formats... The fields to enter the ZIP code, city, region and country are automatically placed and adjusted according to the options set for the selected country. The address of new documents is generated in the correct international address format. Example: ZIP code befor the city (CH-8000 Zürich, Switzerland) or after the city (Christchurch 8003, New Zealand). [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Auto-dynamic entry-fields... The selection lists in the fields to enter the ZIP code, city and region are automatically adjusted according to the selected country. If the ZIP code is entered the correct city and region are entered automatically. New entries of ZIP codes, cities and regions are added to the selection lists dynamically during the work. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Automatically entered fields and options... The area code is entered automatically if an entry is found in the database for the same ZIP code or city. For s only one entry field is displayed. The options default phone, default fax and default are set automatically according to the options set for the selected number type (e.g. "Phone direct"). [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Relations... Relations of persons to other persons (or projects) can be defined with the direct numbers (phone, fax, ) and an additional mail addition. These data are used as examples for addresses and documents if both partners of the relation are part of the address. Example: Letter to Solar Technologies Inc. / Mrs. Monika Salzer. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Dossier of a Person Activities and Documents... The page "Activities" of each person displays the complete dossier of the person. For each selected activity (document) all related persons and projects are shown and accessable together with all enclosures. The options and functions are the same as those on the window "All Activities". [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Address-Labels: Selection of various label-formats Additional formats will be build in on request. Direct print to one or more label positions In the shown example the left and right label in the third line will be printed on the label paper. Customize the content The currently selected person and address are automatically entered as the label content. They can be overwritten and formated. Mailing-Labels They can be created with the function 'Mailing Letters...' in the menu 'Tools'. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Projects: User-friendly administration of all projects All windows are designed similar to the administration of persons. Unlimited number of relations Complete project dossiers (activities) [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Display of all Projects - For each selected project all relations to other projects and persons are displayed. - For each selected relation the direct numbers are displayed. - A Double-Click opens the details. - Automatic phone dialer. - The displayed projects can be restricted with various options, filters and sort orders. - With the button "Note" a little preview of the project description and the person note is displayed. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Dossier of a Project Activities and Documents... The page "Activities" of each project displays the complete dossier of the project. For each selected activity (document) all related persons and projects are shown and accessable together with all enclosures. The options and functions are the same as those on the window "All Activities". [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Catalogues and Listings: Catalogues can be used in various ways: 1. printed listings (option 'Print in catalogue' is set) 2. mailing lists (option 'Include in mailing' is set) 3. to assign attributes to persons or projects 4. to group persons or projects The wizard 'Catalogue Assignments' enables to manage catalogues with several actions. For example you can assign all persons, which are included in a project, to a mailing list and then send an mailing to all these persons. To assign selected persons or projects the selection is done in the windows 'All Persons' and 'All Projects', where flexible options and filters can be applied. The wizard 'Catalogue Assignments' will assign all selected persons or projects to the selected catalogue and set the specified catalogue options for each entry. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Print catalogues and activity lists... - Catalogues and activity lists can be printed in the formats A4, A5, A6 and the agenda Prime Time and Time System. - The content of printed catalogues and activity lists can be customized with various options and filters to meet individual requirements. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Mailing Letters: - The wizard ‘New Mailing Activity...' enables to select the mailing list and all neccessary options to create the mailing letter automatically. - The menu ‘Tools / Mailing Letters / Data Selection‘ enables to check all recipients of the mailing list including the related persons (e.g. employees of a company) and the generated addresses. - The other menu functions can be used to create new mailing letters, envelopes and labels with individual mail merge templates. - OPAL includes mail merge templates for Microsoft Word which can be replaced with individual mail merge templates of other text processing systems. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Mailing Letters... - For mailing letters only the option ‘ must be set. - mailing letters are created efficient and flexible with an OPAL-Document. - The addresses of all recipients are checked automatically. - The new mailing letter will be linked with all selected recipients and appears automatically in the dossier of each recipient. - The wizard creates the new mailing activity and displays the window 'Activity Details' for detail editing... [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Generate mailing letter s... Mailing Letters... - Only the desired text must be entered in the window 'Activity Details'. - The address, date, subject, salutation, etc. can automatically be included in the generated text, depending on the options set. - All addresses and salutations of the recipients are automatically personalised. - On page 'Enclosures' in the window 'Activity Details' you can link separate files via hyperlinks with the activity. These files are automatically included as attachments with all generated s. - With the function ‘Generate mailing letter ...' all s are generated, optional displayed in preview and send to all recipients. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Export of Data: - The menu 'Export of Data' provides functions to export selected data to Microsoft Excel files and to text files. - The function 'Customise Export' enables to check all selected data in a table before the export is done. The table is displayed with the toolbar 'Sort, Filter, Export' which enables to define the sort order and additional detailed selection criteria and filters on field level. - The exported data can be used to create individual listings and analyses with Microsoft Excel or import the data into other programs. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Import Addresses: - The wizard to import persons, addresses and numbers enables to import existing data from any other database or table. - The field names for all person details, for up to two addresses per person and for up to six numbers (phone, fax, ) per address can be selected. - Up to 98 data columns of the import file can be assigned individually to the selected field names. - The imported data are automatically validated, converted or marked for manual adjustment. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Database-Functions: - Information about the OPAL database, installed OPAL programs and license. E.g.: number of records, location and installation date. - Function to connect the system with an OPAL database. - Function to compact, encrypt and decrypt the database. This function automatically creates a backup copy of the database. - Automatic version update of the database... [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Automatic Version Update of the Database: - OPAL indicates immediately, if a new version of the OPAL programs had been installed. - The database becomes automatically adjusted to the new version. By that means new tables, fields, etc. are created in the existing database and the already entered data are retained completely. - Before the database is updated to the new version, the version- update creates a backup copy of the existing version of the database. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Security: Users and Installations: - Administration of all usercodes with dynamic record level access rights, restrictions, options, etc. A double-click on an user will open the user details, to set all permissions and to access the account settings of the user (the account settings are shown later in this presentation). - Administration of all installations with security functions - Administration of the security- workgroup file, in which all usercodes and passwords to access the OPAL system are stored. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Selection Lists: User-friendly administration of all selection lists and their options Administration of languages, countries, salutations, default texts, catalogues, address-, number- and relation-types, activity groups and activity-types, professional stationery, signatures, etc. with any number of entries possible. All entries are commonly available to all users. Multilingual entries All entries can be entered and translated for all languages of the graphical user interface (English, German, French, Italian) and are always displayed in the active language of the graphical user interface throughout the system. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
Options: - Adjustment of the system to individual requirements with many options. - All options are stored separately for the current user. - Automatic options are stored dynamically for each user during working with OPAL (e.g. currently used catalogue, last sort order, etc.). [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ] s: s can be send fast and directly via your private Internet account (SMTP), fully independent of other mail clients (such as Microsoft Outlook). signatures: The automatic signatures can be defined separately for single s and for mailing letter s for each language of the recipients.
Help in OPAL: 1. The Welcome-Assistant provides first information for a quick start. 2. The automatically created welcome activity contains the very good and short introduction Welcome to OPAL 6.2, which is also available in the menu 'Help / Welcome‘. 3. The Users Manual in menu 'Help / Users Manual' describes all areas of OPAL. 4. The Help-Buttons in many windows and dialogues provide detailed help for the situation. 5. Info Tips with short texts come up in little yellow boxes, if the mouse pointer is rested on fields, selction lists, buttons and options. [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
international English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano O © PAL Dolphin’s Design Wolfgang W. Rehfus © Copyright © 2014 Dolphin‘s Design Wolfgang W. Rehfus [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ]
End O P A L © [ Menu ][ Start ][ End ] All data in this presentation are freely invented and for demonstration purposes only. These data do not exist in reality.