A Parents’ Guide to supporting your child’s learning at Dŵr y Felin
Aim To outline tracking system at Dŵr y Felin To outline target setting at Dŵr y Felin To outline Cognitive Ability Test Data To provide you with information about Literacy and Numeracy To explain strategies to support your child's learning (revision)
Data Key Stage 2 National Reading and Numeracy Tests Internal teacher assessments ALN Attendance
Cognitive Abilities Test A standardised assessment that helps identify pupils’ strengths, weaknesses and learning preferences, providing accurate, reliable and objective assessment data that is essential to the shaping of an individual’s learning.
Cognitive Abilities Test CATs measures four principle areas of reasoning – verbal, non-verbal, quantitative and spatial awareness Rich data provided by CATs gives a comprehensive profile of pupils’ reasoning abilities, producing standardised scores for each of the four abilities.
Cognitive Abilities Test This data can be used to build an understanding of an individual’s potential and learning style and to inform the development of effective teaching and learning programmes and interventions.
Cognitive Abilities Test Standardised Scores Each pupil has a score for each of the tests These are calculated based on their raw score and their age at the time of the test 100 is the expected level for pupils Pupils achieving over 115 have a strength in this area Pupils achieving less than 85 may need additional support in this area
Cognitive Abilities Test Target setting We use the results of the CATs tests in conjunction with key stage 2 data, national test data and knowledge of the individual pupils to set targets for the end of key stage 3.
Cognitive Abilities Test Tracking Registration Gender Attendance FSM SEN Looked After EAL KS 2 English KS2 Maths KS2 Science KS2 Welsh CATs Non-Verbal CATs Quantitative CATs Verbal CATs Mean Yr 6 National Reading Test Yr 6 National Numeracy Test 7FF96.2NA
Key Stage 3 Reports Interim Reports End of Year Reports
Key Stage 3 Reports
Interim Report End of Key Stage 3 Targets Level 5 is the current national expectation X Y Z In addition: Behaviour Effort Grades A - E
Marking and Assessment Target grades in books X Y Z In addition grades A - E Behaviour Effort Presentation
Year 7 Equipment Planner Uniform Attendance and Absence Mobile Phones Homework Clubs and Extra-Curricular involvement
Literacy and Numeracy Framework
The LNF has been introduced by the Welsh Government to raise standards in learners’ literacy and numeracy skills
Tests Pupils will be tested week beginning 5 th May. 3 tests Numeracy Reasoning Numeracy Procedural Reading School exams will take place w/b 8 th June 2015.
How will the tests be administered? All tests will take place in the theatre or hall. The pupils will sit at individual exam desks. The exams will be administered and supervised by exam invigilators.
Within literacy the strands are: oracy across the curriculum reading across the curriculum writing across the curriculum. Literacy
Reading (Literacy) If the pupils highlight more than four words then the answer is marked incorrect
How can you help your child in Literacy? Read with your child Welsh Government suggests 10 minutes per day will increase pupils’ performance. Discuss what has been read with your child – Sequence the events/topics in the text – Ask them to find a word with the same meaning as … – Ask for explanations about content – Encourage pupils to give opinions.
How can you help your child in Literacy? Encourage thinking about writing Plan and prepare before writing – spider diagrams, boxing up sheets; Proofreading; Editing and redrafting. Across the Curriculum Encourage them to look at their exercise books; Practise spellings – mnemonics; look-cover-write-check; Look at their literacy targets after book marking and practise those skills by making corrections/retrying a task.
Within numeracy the strands are: developing numerical reasoning using number skills using measuring skills using data skills Numeracy
Numeracy Procedural Pupils are expected to write their answers within the boxes provided
Numeracy Reasoning Numerical reasoning will require literacy and numeracy skills. The questions are context based and will be presented via a power point presentation All pupils will require a calculator for this test
How can you help your child in Numeracy? Encourage using numerical skills in everyday life Time Money Measuring / weighing Practise multiplication tables regularly.
How can you help your child in Numeracy? Learn all formulae The best way of doing this by using the look - cover – write - check technique Practise methods Look at a question, work out the answer and then check if it is correct. Check all numerical work carefully
How will we inform you of your child's progress? Numeracy and literacy reports from the Welsh Assembly Government.
How will the results be reported back to you? Year 7 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 5 th April – 5 minute appointments with every subject teacher. – Please remember to sign in. Interim Report at the end of the spring term End of year full report which will be distributed at the end of the summer term
Revision Materials BBC Bitesize website School books. School website – – Maths revision worksheets – Last year’s numeracy and literacy test. – BKSB – Pupils who receive reading support can access Rapid Plus website.
The School Website The school website is To access the resources on the website pupils have to login using their school login (the one they use for IT) The school website contains a wealth of information that pupils can use at home.
BSKB BKSB is a web-based computer package that can help your child to improve their numeracy and literacy skills at home. It will test the skills of pupils at all levels and provide support for areas of concern.
BKSB BKSB is accessible at home via the school website. Step 1 – Step 2 – Scroll down to BKSB logo Step 3 – Log in using their own details
This is the Dŵr y Felin BKSB homepage.
An example of a Maths question Pupils type their answer in here – it is then marked.
An example of an English question
Every pupil’s progress is individually monitored
What next? CATs data available at the end of the presentation This presentation will be available on the school website Good luck!