CAMPAIGN CLEAN INDIA/CHANDIGARH.To mark the beginning of “World Tourism Week-2012”, Chandigarh Administration observes “Clean Chandigarh Day” today as an introduction to Clean India/ Chandigarh Campaign by successfully organising Cleanliness Drives at Plaza, Sec-17 and at Railway Station in the morning. Lack of hygiene and cleanliness particularly in frequently visited tourist destinations has negatively impacted tourism in our Country. To meet the challenge, the Ministry of Tourism has decided to launch “Campaign Clean India”. 2
The OBJECTIVE The objective of this Campaign is to ensure an acceptable level of cleanliness and hygiene levels at various public places. It will involve sensitizing all sections of society on the importance of cleanliness and hygiene in public places. 3 CLEANLINESS DRIVES
4 Cleanliness and proper hygiene are universally regarded as indispensable existential norms that must inform and permeate all our actions. Conversely, lack of or inadequate personal and environmental cleanliness will have a pull- down impact on the image-India, the worst hit being the tourism sector where the first impression of a visitor is often his last. Therefore, the vision is to look for an India that impacts a visitor, to begin with, for its cleanliness and hygiene. The vision The Campaign will be a blend of persuasion, education, training, demonstration and sensitization of all segments of our society. The objective eventually will be to ensure the cleanliness and environmental hygiene at specific identified destinations. The Mission
APPROACH The approach of Chandigarh Administration is to elicit the support of the Society and spread the awareness about the importance of Cleanliness and Hygiene. During the course of the presentation, we draw emphasis on the Scheme of Clean India/Chandigarh which Chandigarh Administration plans to launch in the days to come. 5
NGOs: Should be registered as a society or trust for at least 3 years, actively involved in one or more of such work as promoting community hygiene, cleanliness, sanitation and health; management of solid waste; slum development; social mobilization and interpretation; capacity building and training; tourism product development; and any other work relevant to the cause of cleanliness in the country. The applicant NGO should be operative, at least for a period of three years, in the vicinity of the destinations it wishes to adopt (within a radius of 100kms) The Scheme - Eligibility 6 Adopter (Adopting agencies i.e. PSUs, major Corporate, Banks can also join in the Campaign Schools: should be Recognized, of +2 level, Having at least 4 sections, or 100 students, each for 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th standards.
7 DESTINATIONS: Constituents of identified mega destinations will be available for adoption. PERIOD: Adoption of a destination/its constituent will be allowed for a period of one year, which can be considered for extension by a further period of two years on the basis of performance. Selection of Schools/NGOs: The UT Administration will issue in newspapers, an advertisement in two parts – one addressed to the schools and the other to the eligible NGOs, inviting expression of interest to adopt one or more destinations, out of those indicated, in project mode under Campaign Clean India. The advertisements will briefly sketch the requirements including the responsibilities that the selected schools/NGOs will be expected to shoulder.
8 Inspection by MoT: In case during the inspection, the outcome is found to be below the acceptable threshold, the arrangement might be cancelled Performance Evaluation: The MoT will engage the Quality Council of India for an independent and objective evaluation of the state of cleanliness specific to each monument chosen for adoption. The evaluation will be conducted in two stages: first at the time of its adoption and later after the initial adoption period of one year. The QCI will classify the improvement over the adoption period as Average, Good, Very Good and Excellent. The Evaluation will be based on uniformly applicable norms. Final Project Report: The School/NGO/ Adopter will send a final project report upon the conclusion of project period. in the prescribed format..
INCENTIVES To a school: Rated average No award Rated Good Rs. 60,000/- Rated Very Good Rs. 1,00000/- Rated Excellent Rs.2, 50, 000/- To an NGO/ Adopter: Rated average No award Rated Good Rs. 1, 50, 000/- Rated Very Good Rs. 2,00000/- Rated Excellent Rs. 2, 50, 000/- 9 Based on Quality Council of India classification, the MoT will extend the following awards along with citations
10 Formalisation of Effort A Memorandum of Understanding specific to each destinations/ its constituent assigned under this scheme will be signed by the school/NGO/ Adopter concerned and the Ministry of Tourism through Chandigarh Administration In the End, I will like to request all the schools/NGOs/ Adopter to come forward and willingly participate in this new endeavour by the Chandigarh Administration. May also actively participate in the programmes scheduled for “World Tourism Week-2012.”
Let us all join hands towards a cleaner INDIA a cleaner CHANDIGARH TOGETHER WE’LL DO IT! Ph: Website: