Use Common Sense! 1. If a stairway alarm is going off 1. Check to see the problem 2. If the Fire Alarm is going off 1. Follow the evacuation procedures 3. Remember, we are here to help 1. Be attentive, patient and helpful
NO Eating in Lab Area! If you see someone eating: 1. Politely say ‘please put the food away’ 2. Remind them eating is permitted in the front lounge area 3. Allow them a minute to do so
If They Ignore Your Request: Approach them a second time: 1. Inform them you are doing your job 2. We have a no eating policy 3. If they continue to eat they will be asked to leave If they continue, call the manager on duty.
How to Report a Problem 1. Gather the information 1. Computer name, error message, user information 2. Post ‘Unavailable Sign’ if need be 3. Inform the Manager on Duty 4. Send follow-up to Manager on Duty as well as Marc
Process for Refund Request 1. Refunds granted for Technical errors 1. Not user error (example: wrong setting) 2. Contact Manager ASAP 1. Reprints by manager are easier than processing a refund 3. Gather all user information 1. Problem details, name of file, date, time, location, refund amount, TUid number
Process for Refund Request 4. Verify charges via Tuportal 1. Look under diamond dollars link 5. Inform user request will be submitted 6. Send an with all info to Manager on Duty
When to Contact a Manager 1. User becomes disruptive 2. Consultants don’t have an answer 3. An operational issue arises 1. Equipment malfunction, network issue, etc. 4. A user asks for a Manager 5. Reprint or refund needed 6. Someone needs to be put in a database 1. Printing, laptops, etc.
How to Contact a Manager 1. Call the Back Office (1-9884) 2. Check the main desk 3. Use the pager page from the dashboard There is always a Manager on Duty
Updates / Changes Made 1. Protools 9 installed in Music Lab 2. PCs added to MediaScape Tables 1. The PCs have the main lab image 3. Read the info board every day