Parcel Manager Tutorial Sean McCarty EdTec 544 Rapid Prototype Dec 15, 2008
index.html (Title page) Audio: (On pageload) “Welcome to the Parcel Manager Tutorial for the Eleanor Roosevelt College Office of Residence Life. This tutorial will teach you how packages are distributed to students using the Parcel Manager software program. Please click the next link in the bottom right corner when you are ready to start.” NEXT Flash animation of steps in delivery process
instructions.html (explanation of tutorial) Audio: (On pageload) “This tutorial is divided into three sections. At the end of each section you will be asked a few questions to test your understanding of the content. You can proceed through the tutorial at your own pace. When you are ready to move to the next screen or section, click the ‘Next’ arrow in the bottom right corner of the screen.” NEXT Flash animation of instructions for tutorial Instructions for Tutorial SectionTestNext Section 123 Instructions for Tutorial
section01a.html (first page of first section) Audio: (On pageload) “The first section is ‘How packages get to students.’ First, a private courier, such as UPS, DHL or FedEx will deliver a package for a student. The ResLife Office then notifies the student the package is available. The student then goes to the ResLife Office to pick up the package.” NEXT The Delivery Process 1 Courier A private courier delivers a package to the ERC ResLife Office. Office 2 ResLife Office receives package and notifies the student. Student 3 The student goes to ResLife Office to receive and sign for the package. Flash animation of delivery process. Each step appears in sequence. Section 1: How Packages Get to Students
section01b.html (second page of first section) Audio: (On pageload) “The Parcel Manager is used to track all packages delivered to the ResLife Office. The Parcel Manager tracks every step. When the courier delivers the package, the package is scanned and recorded. The student is then sent an instructing them to pick up the package at the ResLife Office. When the student picks up the package and signs for it, the Parcel Manager records the package has been delivered.” NEXT The Parcel Manager 1 CourierOffice 2 Student 3 Flash animation of how parcel manager works in connection with the delivery process. Section 1: How Packages Get to Students Each package is scanned and recorded in the Parcel Manager. The Parcel Manager sends an to the student. The Parcel Manager records the package has been delivered to the student.
question01.html (test questions for section 1) Audio: (On pageload) “The following questions are based on Section 1: How Packages Get to Students. Each question is multiple choice. You will get immediate feedback after you answer each question.” NEXT Question 1 Q Who contacts students to inform them their package has been delivered? Questions will prompt reflection. More than one answer will be technically correct, forcing the learner to reflect on which is best. Section 1: Test Questions A. ERC Residence Life staff B. Parcel Manager sends an automated C. The tracking system for the private courier D. A slip is placed in their mailbox
question01.html (test questions for section 1) Audio: (On pageload) “The answer is B. Students are notified by an automated that is sent by the Parcel Manager. ERC Residence Life staff scan the package when it arrives, but the is sent by the Parcel Manager program. Students can track their package through the private courier, but tracking system notifications vary by courier. Slips are not placed in student mailboxes for packages delivered by private couriers. Click ‘Next’ when you are ready for the next question.” NEXT Question 1 A Who contacts students to inform them their package has been delivered? The learner will get immediate feedback. There will be a short explanation of why the answer is the best one. Section 1: Test Questions A. ERC Residence Life staff B. Parcel Manager sends an automated C. The tracking system for the private courier D. A slip is placed in their mailbox
section02a.html (first page of second section) Audio: (On pageload) “To understand how the Parcel Manager works, it is important to first understand its structure. The Parcel Manager is a software program with a series of related data files. The main program file is the actual software program and it does not change. The associated data files change regularly depending on the package delivery process.” NEXT Structure of the Parcel Manager Program File Flash animation of the basic structure of the Parcel Manager. Section 2: How the Parcel Manager Works Data File
section02b.html (second page of second section) Audio: (On pageload) “The main program file is what starts and runs the program. When you click the Parcel Manager shortcut icon on the desktop, the main program file opens the Parcel Manager user interface. The program file accesses specific information from the data files. Without any data from the data files, the program will open but it will not show any information. This is similar to when you open Microsoft Word and a blank document appears.” NEXT Program File of the Parcel Manager Starts and runs program User interface Accesses information from data files Flash animation of the functions of the main file of the Parcel Manager. Section 2: How the Parcel Manager Works Data File Program File
section02c.html (third page of second section) Audio: (On pageload) “The main program file pulls all of its information from data files. Each data file contains information about students and packages that is updated regularly. When you click on a data file, a simple file with text and information will open. A data file does not control or start the Parcel Manager. You can think of a data file like a word document that can be opened in Microsoft Word. You create the information in the document, but Microsoft Word processes the information and enables you to update it.” NEXT Data Files of the Parcel Manager Flash animation of the functions of the data files of the Parcel Manager. Section 2: How the Parcel Manager Works Data File Contains data for Parcel Manager Updated regularly Program File Data File
section02d.html (fourth page of second section) Audio: (On pageload) “There are four data files that contribute data to the Parcel Manager. The first one contains the names of private couriers and the general text of the notification s. The second data file contains student information: first and last name, address and mailbox number. The third data file contains information of what packages were received by the office and the date they arrived. The fourth data file contains the information of packages that have been removed from the program after successful distribution.” NEXT The Four Types of Data Files Program File Flash animation of the four types of data files for the Parcel Manager. Section 2: How the Parcel Manager Works Data File #3: Received packages Data File #4: Removed packages Data File #2: Student information Data File #1: Program information
question02.html (test questions for section 2) Audio: (On pageload) “The following questions are based on Section 2: How the Parcel Manager Works. Each question is multiple choice. You will get immediate feedback after you answer each question.” NEXT Question 2 Q What best describes the relationship of the main program file to the data files? Possible answers will be worded so that learners will have to read and rule out each option, rather than skim to the one clear right answer. Section 2: Test Questions A. The program file is more important than the data files. B. The program file and data files are interconnected. C. The program file accesses information from the data files. D. The program file runs the program, the data files contain information.
question02.html (test questions for section 2) Audio: (On pageload) “The answer is C. The program file accesses information from the data files. The program file starts and runs the Parcel Manager but it cannot function fully without the data files. The program and data files are interconnected but that does not explain how they relate to each other. The last choice simply describes facts about the files and does not describe the how the files interact with each other.” NEXT Question 2 A What best describes the relationship of the main program file to the data files? The learner may be frustrated if he/she is wrong, but answering incorrectly will prompt further reflection. Section 2: Test Questions A. The program file is more important than the data files. B. The program file and data files are interconnected. C. The program file accesses information from the data files. D. The program file runs the program, the data files contain information.
section03a.html (first page of third section) Audio: (On pageload) “You can use the Parcel Manager by opening its user interface. Click on the main program file or its desktop shortcut to open the interface. Within the user interface there are several possible actions you can take, however each option falls in one of two categories: looking up information or updating information that is contained in the data files. You can think of look-up actions as something that retrieves information from the data files. Update actions send information to the data files.“ NEXT How to Use the Parcel Manager 1 Program File User Interface 2 Data Files 3 Flash animation of how a user interacts with the Parcel Manager. Section 3: The Parcel Manager and the Delivery Process Look-up info Click on the program file (or its shortcut) to start and open the Parcel Manager. Complete look-up or update actions using the Parcel Manager interface. Retrieve or send information contained in the data files. Update info
section03b.html (second page of third section) Audio: (On pageload) “Data Files are accessed or updated in each step of the delivery process. When a package is delivered, a record of the arrival is created in Data File #3. Data File #1 is accessed for information about the courier and Data File #2 is accessed for the name and mailbox number of the student. When a student is notified, Data File #1 is accessed for the text of the and the office address. Data File #2 is also accessed for the name and address of the student. Next, when the student receives the package, the date of distribution is sent to Data File #4 along with the arrival date, name of courier and student information for the package. At the end of the day, all completed transactions are removed from the Parcel Manager interface and stored in Data File #4.” NEXT Creating Records in the Delivery Process 1 CourierOffice 2 Student 3 Flash animation of how information is created and stored during the delivery process. Section 3: The Parcel Manager and the Delivery Process A package is delivered: a record is created using student name, mailbox number, courier, and date of arrival. The student is notified: text of e- mail and student e- mail information is accessed from data files. Student receives package: a record is created using courier name, student information and arrival and distribution date. = ==
section03c.html (third page of third section) Audio: (On pageload) “It is good to know how the Parcel Manager works and how the program file accesses the data files. However, the most important thing to remember are the steps in the delivery process. If you can remember the three basic steps you will likely be able to recall the critical information the Parcel Manager needs and uses to complete each step. Then you will be able to use the program successfully as well as be better equipped to solve problems that arise in the delivery process.” NEXT Information in the Delivery Process 1 CourierOffice 2 Student 3 Flash animation of the information critical to each step in the delivery process. Section 3: The Parcel Manager and the Delivery Process A package is delivered: Arrival date Student name Mailbox number Courier name Tracking number The student is notified: Text of Office Student Student receives package: Courier name Student name Mailbox number Arrival Date Distribution date
question03.html (test questions for section 3) Audio: (On pageload) “The following questions are based on Section 3: The Parcel Manager and the Delivery Process. Each question is multiple choice. You will get immediate feedback after you answer each question.” NEXT Question 3 Q How are records created in the data files of the Parcel Manager? Possible answers will be worded so that learners will have to read and rule out each option, rather than skim to the one clear right answer. Section 3: Test Questions A. A data file accesses information from other data files. B. Arrival and distribution dates are entered; all other information is accessed from data files. C. Information about each package and students is input into the program. D. The program file sends information to the data files..
question03.html (test questions for section 3) Audio: (On pageload) “The correct answer is B. Arrival and distribution dates for packages must be scanned in to the system; all other information is contained within one of the data files. A data file accesses other data files, but that is not the only way a new record is created. Information can be input in the program manually, but that is also not the only way a new record is created. The program file assists in the process, but that does not fully describe how a record is created.” NEXT Question 3 A How are records created in the data files of the Parcel Manager? Once again, the questions present an excellent opportunity to reinforce the lessons in each section. Section 3: Test Questions A. A data file accesses information from other data files. B. Arrival and distribution dates are entered; all other information is accessed from data files. C. Information about each package and students is input into the program. D. The program file sends information to the data files..
finish.html (end of tutorial) Audio: (On pageload) “Congratulations! You have completed the Parcel Manager Tutorial. For step-by-step instructions on how to complete each action in the Parcel Manager, please refer to the Student Assistant Manual in the ERC ResLife Office.” You have successfully completed the Parcel Manager Tutorial.