April Alberto Santoro 1 OPENING SESSION April Itacuruçá Island Hotel Pierre Good Morning to all of you and thank you for coming to LISHEP2006
April Alberto Santoro 2
April Alberto Santoro 3
April Alberto Santoro 4
April Alberto Santoro 6
April Alberto Santoro 7 17:20 – 18:00
April Alberto Santoro 8 April 8, after Breakfast, by 10:00 AM We will return to Rio de Janeiro Please talk to Rosemonde your particularities for Return, Flights, Tours, and so on.
April Alberto Santoro 9 Secure Yourself Relax! You are in an Island. Any eventual health problems, even if you consider not important please communicate with us, WE HAVE A DOCTOR THAT will be happy talk with you. If eventual need The Hotel Pierre have fast transportation to the Continent. Doctors & Health For a contact guide : Dr. Giulia Santoro –
April Alberto Santoro 10 Secretariat Office: Rosemond Bettencourt – Our Secretary We have wireless in several areas, unfortunately not on the Rooms. You have access to your . Wireless available on the Bar area, and Conference Room. All LISHEP is being transmitted by VRVS Copies of Talks Talks will be available in the WEB page. Please provide your Talk by pen drive or directly from your laptop.
April Alberto Santoro 11 Number of Participants per Country Sessions B+C Country2006Country2006 Canada 2 Brasil 89 Colombia1 Amazonas Minas Gerais Rio de Janeiro Santa Catarina Rio Grande do Sul São Paulo France 1 Italy 5 Germany2Mexico2 India 1Peru1 Germany 2 Poland 1 Portugal2Russia1 Spain 1Sweden1 Switzerland 5United States9 United Kingdom2 Subtotais19110 TOTAL129
April Alberto Santoro 12 Have a good Session C – Workshop on Collider Physics - LISHEP 2006