Welcome to DCHS Curriculum Information 2011 Dr. Toni Jones Chief Academic Officer (405) 348-6100 x1133
What do I take? AP? Concurrent? Francis Tuttle? CLEP Testing?
What is Advanced Placement? What is the Purpose? The College Board's® Advanced Placement Program® enables students to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. Based on their performance on rigorous AP Exams, students can earn credit, advanced placement, or both, for college. - - AP Program The purpose is to prepare students for challenging university study
Courses at Deer Creek Each Course is Structured Differently By the College Board For example…AP Chemistry is a full year college course AP Spanish can be worth up to 15 hours AP Calculus AP Chemistry AP Biology AP Environmental AP Physics AP English Language and AP English Lit AP French and AP Spanish AP Government AP US History AP Studio Art AP Music
How does AP impact a student’s GPA in Deer Creek? Regular HS Curriculum A= 4.0 Pre AP Counts on a .5 Weighted scale A= 4.5 AP Counts on a 1.0 Weighted Scale A= 5.0
What’s the Difference between AP and Regular curriculum? AP is college level curriculum Pre-AP (PAP) is preparation to enter AP courses
How do Students Get Credit How do Students Get Credit? How important is getting credit on the AP Exam? Credit is determined by each receiving university. Getting credit should not be the sole focus of taking an AP exam. Gaining credit is the icing on the cake, but the goal is to be prepared for the rigor they will face at the university level.
How do I know what I need for a course to get credit? http://www.ou.edu/admissions/home/credi t_by_advanced/advanced_placement.html
So…why take AP if they run the risk of no credit? AP is about college preparation. Most universities will not count a course if it is in the students major line of study. However, the student is sitting in the course with 200 students and 50 have already taken the course through AP. Who do you think sets the curve? Which students are more likely to gain the Sophomore scholarships and lab assistant positions?
Another factor to consider…. Students can often count the courses as elective credit. The elective credit may not help with their degree plan, but the credits will help establish a higher level status for the student (ie…Sophomore status) and priority enrollment to get in the courses that they need.
What are the other options? Concurrent Courses If the student passes the course they get college credit. The rigor is not the same as AP. Recommended for courses that are not needed in the major line of study at college. No weighted credit is given in the GPA. Several available at DCHS campus.
What do we offer? We are expanding in 2011-2012 These are the courses available at DCHS College Algebra Psychology Government New in 2011 English 1, English 2 (Counts for 12th grade English) US History and Biology
CLEP Tests CLEP testing can be a great way to gain college credit while also taking an AP course for the rigor. CLEP testing is available at respective university centers. It is best to take CLEP tests at the university where the student will be attending. http://www.ou.edu/admissions/home/credit_ by_advanced/college_level_examination.html
What is the passing rate nationally on AP exams? Each exam is a little bit different. How many pass the exams? Around 60% of the students taking the AP exams score a 3, 4, or 5 (considered passing)
What do our own results show? Students who score 30 or higher take at least 3-4 AP courses. Most of our students scoring 30 or higher on their ACT have taken AP Chemistry, AP Calculus, and AP Biology. Students scoring 33 or higher also take AP English at DCHS.
Information for Parents www.collegeboard.com
District Information Help Site! District Web....Curriculum....Secondary Link www.deercreekschools.org