Mr. Neats Class Descriptions
Mechanical Drawing Electronics Design Metal Shop Wood Shop Assemble & Test Mechanical Devices Engineering Class Today
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CV Computer Programming Classes Today Applied Computer Programming AP Computer Science
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Mechanical Drawing Electronics Design Metal Shop Wood Shop Assemble & Test Mechanical Devices Relationship Between Engineering Class And Computer Programming Classes Today Applied Computer Programming AP Computer Science
Mechanical Drawing Electronics Design Computer Programming Metal Shop Wood Shop (GCC) Assemble & Test Mechanical Devices Future Vision…. Existing CV Algebra I Class Existing CV Physics Class
TechShop Description
Needs from You $ backup Discipline support
What is Computer Programming? Computer Application (icon) Application USERApplication CREATOR Introduction to Computer Applications Learn how to USE: MS Word Excel Access PowerPoint Applied Computer Programming Learn Computer Languages:: C++ Java Flash HTML
Create computer games that run on PCs Learn different computer languages including Java, HTML, FLASH and C++ Build a running PC from scratch Understand the basics of PC hardware components Mr. Neat Web page design
Computer Programming Courses at CV Applied Computer Programming AP - Applied Computer Science A AP - Applied Computer Science AB Pre-requisite none Applied Computer Programming or OK from me Coverage buffet One semester of College level CS AP Applied Computer Science A or OK from me Two semesters of College level CS Computer Language(s) C++ Java Flash Java
Course Description: Project Based - JPL Invention Challenge - FIRST Robotics Competition Team Work Emphasized Students must maintain a notebook (technical journal) Students chose to be implementers or inventors Apply math and physics knowledge to solving problems Exposed to the engineering challenges