Lesson Two: The Inter-Relatedness of All Organization by Marilee J. Bresciani, Ph.D. Most Photos by Dan Megna Inspiration from all my teachers including Neale Donald Walsch, A Course in Miracles, and Thich Nhat Hanh
The Inter-Relatedness of All Who are you? Who are you in relationship to another? Who are you in relationship to an event? Who are you in relationship to a circumstance?
There are so few situations where you can function without connection to another or to another situation
Our thoughts, words, and actions are not isolated.
Quantum Physics Teaches: That we are made up of energy Our thoughts have energy Our words have energy Our actions have energy Energy flows and bounces and interacts
It is difficult to trap and isolate energy…
If you do…somethin g typically dies
Quantum Physics Teaches Our energy is inter-connected Thus, what we choose may influence the thoughts and/or actions of another Others may choose how to think and act upon our choices Some may not recognize that they have a choice as to how to perceive, think, and act on what we have just said, thought, or done.
The Hammer Analogy: A Story
Everything is connected…
Thus, if you think there is abundance… you will see abundance.
If you think there is “a lack”… there will be “a lack”.
If you choose to create an environment where others thrive … they will thrive
If you choose to create an environment of fear…
What you think, say, and do is reflected back to you…
So what do you think… About our current economic “crisis”? Do you think we have enough to educate all those who need education? Do you think we have enough to do what we need to do for the good of the students? Is it simply a matter of re-arranging our perception and our priorities? What do you think?
Citations Dan Megna Photography – All my teachers Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God - A Course in Miracles - Thich Nhat Hanh, The Art of Power - Marilee’s interpretation of all of this