Chapter 22: Darwin and Evolution Evolution refers to the processes that have transformed life on earth from its earliest forms to the enormous diversity that characterizes it today. Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection on November 24, 1859. It was the first convincing case for evolution.
Chapter 22: Darwin and Evolution Darwin made two major points: 1. Species evolved from ancestral species and were not specially created. 2. Natural selection is a mechanism that could result in this evolutionary change.
Chapter 22: Darwin and Evolution I. A Historical Context for Evolutionary Theory. A. Western culture resisted evolutionary views of life. The Scale of Nature and Natural Theology Cuvier, fossils, and catastrophism
Chapter 22: Darwin and Evolution I. Historical Context for Evolutionary Theory. B. Theories of geological gradualism helped clear the path for evolutionary biologists. James Hutton:Gradualism Charles Lyell: Uniformitarianism
Chapter 22: Darwin and Evolution I. Historical Context for Evolutionary Theory. C. Lamarck placed fossils in an evolutionary context. Use and disuse Inheritance of acquired characteristics
Chapter 22: Darwin and Evolution II. The Darwinian Revolution A. Field research helped Darwin frame his view of life. The Voyage of the Beagle Darwin focuses on adaptation
Chapter 22: Darwin and Evolution II. The Darwinian Revolution B. The Origin of Species developed two main points: the occurrence of evolution and natural selection as its mechanism. Descent with modification Natural selection and adaptation
Chapter 22: Darwin and Evolution III. Evidence of Evolution A. Evidence of evolution pervades biology. Biogeography-The geographical distribution of species. Fossil Record-It is incomplete but shows general trends in evolution. Distribution on moonjellyfish
Chapter 22: Darwin and Evolution III. Evidence of Evolution A. Evidence of evolution pervades biology. Comparative Anatomy Homologous structures Analogous structures Vestigial structures
Chapter 22: Darwin and Evolution III. Evidence of Evolution Comparative Embryology Molecular Biology-DNA
Chapter 22: Darwin and Evolution III. Evidence of Evolution A. What is theoretical about the Darwinian view of life?