Greatest Hits Vols I-IV We Care Because You Care
We care because you care Link to video
Why participate in grassroots? Every year, legislators debate a multitude of bills both in Columbia and Washington, DC. Many of these bills address workforce challenges, healthcare access issues, new technology demands, and many other important issues that have an impact on how you care for your patients.
Why participate in grassroots? You have a unique story to tell and as a constituent who understands the issues can tell our story in a personal, compassionate way that facts and statistics never will. Through constituent letters, phone calls, and face-to-face meetings, legislators learn what's important to the “people back home.” As the legendary Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill often said, “all politics is local.”
How you can participate in grassroots The South Carolina Hospital Association has developed a grassroots program LEAd, Leadership for Education and Advocacy. Join today to help shape the debate. If we speak together, we can LEAd the way to healthy hospitals and healthy lives.