Alcan Otomotiv today is one of the biggest company in the market of caliper repair kits. Founded in till the 1990 produced various spare parts for the automotive sector leaders. After the 1990 till the 1995 worked with DT (Diesel Technic) being supplier them different type of parts again due to their demands. From 1995 till now we are still supplier for the BMC factory in Turkey which is z-cam brakes. Also in Turkey we are the leading z-cam brakes producer for the FORD, VOLVO (whichs z-cam uses) and BMC trucks in Turkey, we have a very well know brand in Turkey. Company’s background
1995 also started to produce the compressor kits for commercial vehicles till As the experience in Brake system from the foundation in 2004 focus on the Brake systems for the disc calipers as we give up compressor range so we had decided to be leader in this range. Before 2004 we were just manufacturing some of the parts calipers and supplying some companaies in Turkey till After the 2004 we are started to make full range the Caliper kits and join to market under brand ALCAN with the consistent quality policy. For ALCAN the aim is consistent quality. Dedicated to the best quality from the competetive prices with good service. Company’s background
Product Groups Meritor Knorr Wabco Haldex BPW Iveco Brembo SAF Our main group type are Knorr, Meritor, Wabco, BPW, Haldex, Iveco, SAF, Brembo and Z-cam type caliper kits for Mercedes, Man, Volvo, Scania, Daf, Renault, Iveco commercial vehicles and all type trailers.
Structure of the Caliper Repair Kits Spare Part Sellers Truck Services Caliper Remanufacturers
Sale Areas After the years and the reason of our policies we are now exporting to the all over the world. Mainly to European countries, South America, Australia, USA, Canada, UK, Israel and also we are well known brand in Russian Federation as well. We have one distributor in Turkey and we are just supplying our parts now for Turkey market and they are the biggest company in Turkey. We are planning develop our sales agents all over the world and want have atleast in 50 countries in 2016 under ALCAN brand. We are also supplier for the big companies all over the world under their own brand as we have agreement with them yearly.
As ALCAN Automotive, our vision is “To sell parts is good, to create longterm relationship is better” Company has been certificated by TS EN ISO 9001/2000 Quality Management System and GHOST-R Certiface Company’s mission
Quality and Testing We are against to other competitors in Turkey as we know the system Know-How system working policy in Caliper Parts. We have 3 different test ways; 1- On the Caliper after the finish the parts whether the parts fit the Caliper properly or not. 2- On the truck or bus 6 months to see the valid date of the part and the how it Works. 3- For the metal parts; corrosion tests, salt test, water test. For the rubber parts silicone tests, material test and indivual tests for all single parts. Reason of the above test we can give 1 year warranty to our clients if the Caliper fully changed with ALCAN parts.
Quality and Testing We use in all metal parts finest quality rawmaterial and apply the extra application to make the strong and more life for our parts. For the rubber parts we know that in Caliper the rubber must be perfect quality so we use same quality with the original ones fully silicone. In plastic parts we are dedicated the full plastic material not mixed material as the others companies. Screws,springs we are all use the original values.
Company’s plans We are planning to be the most 100 company exporters list in Turkey till the 2016 now we are In the in 200 list we are gonna be moved our new factory which gonna be the built on the 7000 square meters. New test devices, remanufacturing area, new manufacturing machines (at least will be more than 50 machines)
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