Faculty of Health Faculty priorities and related actions arising from student feedback
You said ……… We did We needed to improve the timetabling of your teaching sessions. We needed to improve the suitability of the rooms where your teaching takes place Review our timetabling planning process Provide students with earlier notification of their semester timetable. Review how current teaching space is being used and how this can be improved and used more effectively. Plan that all students will experience learning in the new Rose bowl building.
You said ……… We did We needed to improve your access to key textbooks in the library Order additional library copies of key texts in specific subject areas Work with the library to digitise sections of key textbooks and make these available through X-stream Review our spending on learning resources, including our investment in journals / on- line learning resources and textbooks.
You said ……… We did We needed to improve the preparation and coordination of your practice placements Establish a Faculty Placements Unit to bring together and coordinate placements across all our courses. Continue to work closely with health and social care providers across the region to maintain high quality placements and develop innovative new placement learning opportunities
You said ……… We did We needed to improve the quality of feedback that we provide to you on assessments and to reduce the volume of your assessment Ask all course teams to review the number, type and purpose of current assessments to reduce the volume of assessment and improve feedback.