CUBISM Influenced by Cezanne's work on structure and form Employed fragmented forms and multiple viewpoints Flat, jagged shapes-like a piece of broken glass Rearranged compositions to explore shape Analytic Cubism-explore shape Synthetic Cubism-Collage Cubism Had a major influence on 20th Century art
PABLO PICASSO, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, June-July 1907 PABLO PICASSO, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, June-July 1907. Oil on canvas, Flat planes-no sense of depth or chiaroscuro for bodies Multiple viewpoints-figures seen from different angles Note influence of African masks and Iberian statues Begins Picasso's movement toward Analytic Cubism
PABLO PICASSO, Still Life with Chair-Caning, 1912 PABLO PICASSO, Still Life with Chair-Caning, 1912. Oil and oilcloth on canvas Synthetic Cubism Incorporates oil cloth, chair caning, and rope
Painted to protest an atrocity during the Spanish Civil War PABLO PICASSO, Guernica, 1937. Oil on canvas Painted to protest an atrocity during the Spanish Civil War Used fragmented forms and basic color scheme of black, white and grey to convey horror of the atrocity Used a pyramid composition for dramatic effect
GEORGES BRAQUE, The Portuguese, 1911. Oil on canvas Collaborated with Picasso in the development of Analytic and Synthetic Cubism
Cubist Sculpture
PABLO PICASSO, Maquette for Guitar, 1912 PABLO PICASSO, Maquette for Guitar, 1912. Cardboard, string, and wire (restored),
JACQUES LIPCHITZ, Bather, 1917. Bronze
ALEKSANDR ARCHIPENKO, Woman Combing Her Hair, 1915. Bronze
FAUVISM First appeared at the Salon d' Automne in 1905 Non-representational color to express feelings Influenced by Gauguin and Van Gogh
HENRI MATISSE, Woman with the Hat, 1905. Oil on canvas
GERMAN EXPRESSIONISM Expressive use of color and shape Two key movements-Die Brucke and Der Blaue Reiter Die Brucke-bridge the distance between Germany's traditional art forms and the new 20th century art Der Blaue Reiter-painters convey feelings about life and spirituality
ERNST LUDWIG KIRCHNER, Street, Dresden, 1908 (dated 1907) ERNST LUDWIG KIRCHNER, Street, Dresden, 1908 (dated 1907). Oil on canvas Disillusioned--expresses feelings of alienation Garish use of colors
FRANZ MARC, Fate of the Animals, 1913. Oil on canvas Paintings of animals Colors express deeper emotional states
VASSILY KANDINSKY, Improvisation 28 (second version), 1912 VASSILY KANDINSKY, Improvisation 28 (second version), 1912. Oil on canvas, First European artist to paint nonrepresentational works Colors and lines represent musical concepts Called his paintings improvisations and compositions
MAX BECKMANN Departure 1932-33 Oil on canvas triptych, • Best known for a series of symbolic triptychs
FUTURISM Italian art movement Rejects classical and Renaissance art Primary interest-modern technology, speed, motion Exhibits elements of the following art styles: • Cubism-fragmented forms Fauvism-arbitrary use of colors Sequential motion photography
UMBERTO BOCCIONI, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913 (cast 1931). Bronze,
GIACOMO BALLA, Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash, 1912. Oil on canvas
SEVERINI, Armored Train, 1915. Oil on canvas