The Great Gatsby Symbolism
Colors White Yellow Green Water Eyes Blue Grey Red Cars Eggs
White Represents: Façade behind which characters hide beauty, cleanliness, wealth, innocence, virginity and laziness
White Examples Daisy and Jordan’s clothes Gatsby’s suit Buchanan’s mansion
Yellow (Silver & Gold) Represents: Wealth, corruption, dishonesty
Yellow (Silver & Gold) Examples: The golden haired girls at Jay’s party Daisy’s accessories Jay’s car Hair color
Green Represents: Hope, rebirth, to “go”, youth, longing, choice, serenity
Green Examples: Daisy’s dock light The interior of Jay’s car Nick’s grass Nick talks about the green light at the end of the book he says "It eluded us then, but that's no matter- tomorrow we will run faster, stretch our arms out farther...."
Blue Represents Heaven, fantasy, lost time, unhappiness
Blue Examples Jay’s lawn –escape from reality Tom’s car –unhappiness of marriage George’s eyes –dreams of escape T.J. Eckleberry’s eyes -God
Grey Represents: Examples: Industrialization, dreary, bleak, lifeless Valley of Ash
Red Represents: Death, abuse, violence, destruction
Red Examples: Tom Buchanan Tom’s carpets Myrtle’s nose Myrtle’s death Gatsby’s pool water
Water Represents: Barriers and boundaries Gatsby’s restraints from Daisy Abandonment
Water Examples: Oxford Tea Party rain storm Swimming pool Gatsby’s funeral
Eyes Represents: Examples: Observant, omnipresent, watchful, non-judgmental Examples: Owl-eyes T.J. Eckleberry Nick Moon
Cars Represents: Examples: Industrialization, status symbol, carelessness, recklessness Examples: The broken wheel Jay asking Nick to set up meeting Jay’s car Tom’s car The drive to NYC
Eggs (White covered by yellow) Represents: Pure façade, while rotten inside Examples: Daisy’s clothes & accessories Jay’s suit & accessories New vs. Old Money
Prepared for The Great Gatsby Devon Christopher Adams © 2002