What we liked about Primary 2
Maths We like learning about Maths because it’s a challenge and we are learning new things.
IT Suite We like using the computers in the IT Suite because it’s something that we’re getting better at.
Teachers We liked our Primary 2 teachers. They try and help us to do our best.
Bookshop We like playing in our fantastic bookshop. It made us think about why we like books as well practicing how to use money.
Everyone Joining In We liked working with the Primary 5’s. They help us with our reading and even made books for our bookshop.
Garden We liked working in our garden because it belongs to us and we can see our things grow.
Golden Time We like Golden Time because… it’s Golden Time. We get to play with our best toys and friends.
Star of the Day We like getting to be Star of the Day. We get a cushion, a star at our desk and get to go to the front of the line.
What will Primary 3 be like I wonder?