Analysis of writer crafts The 5 Canons Analysis of writer crafts
Rationale SOAPSTONE provides a holistic view of the text, an analysis from afar The 5 Canons provide evidence that support how the writer crafts their style – chunk by chunk
Organize Your Thoughts Chunk the picture into a Grid – where are the main focal points of the visual text?
Arrangement (Laying out the Evidence/ Examples Create a descriptive outline of what you see happening in the painting Describe what the writer / artist creates Evidence - IT IS WHAT YOU SEE!
Write down Evidence (examples of things you see) that may help you understand this man’s story. Example: His tattoos of San Anto, evil and hate, and the red bandana contrast with the Holy Bible and rosary beads he is clutching in his hands.
Write down an EXPLANATION for each of your examples showing HOW they help you understand something about the man in the painting. Explanation: The tattoos reveal the darker side of his life and are connected to something we would see from an ex convict. The spiritual symbols are being held tightly as if he is grasping for salvation. 6
Style (how) List the stylistic elements that help you to understand what is happening Mention colors, painting style, words Do not repeat your example Ex: uses vivid reds,and greens that reveal a boldness
Write down an EXPLANATION for each of your examples showing HOW they help you understand something about the man in the painting. Explanation: The tattoos reveal the darker side of his life and are connected to something we would see from an ex convict. The spiritual symbols are being held tightly as if he is grasping for salvation.
Memory (Allusions / Significance) What specific details allude to a greater idea? (symbols, images, words, ideas) Why is it important? Make connections with your life, community, culture, world Ex: rosary – a symbol of piety and a status symbol in fashion
What is the significance of this piece of art What is the significance of this piece of art? What would the artist want us to learn from it? Why? This painting is symbolic of the two lives a Latino man may feel tied to due to his cultural and social expectations in life.
Invention (author’s main argument) This is the author/ artists main point in the chunk What overall idea is he/she trying to convey to the reader given the content he / she presents?
Prompt: What story does this painting reveal about the man Prompt: What story does this painting reveal about the man? Write an assertion (claim) that can be proven by the inventions (statements created by the artist), arrangement (evidence), stylistic devices, and memory (allusions) or clues in the painting. Assertion: The man in the painting is struggling between the life he knows as a gangster and the religion that will save him.
About the Painting: “Street Preacher” by Alex Rubio “Many contemporary Chicano artists focus on issues of culture and identity rather than economics. The paintings of Alex Rubio stand out in their confrontation with the negative aspects of popular Mexican-American life. Neon orange, pink and green lines surround a distorted figure in Rubio's "Street Preacher." Although the man clutches a Bible in one hand and religious tracts in the other, he is clearly not pious. His clothing, tattoos and twisted face reveal his internal evil. Even his rosary is worn as a status symbol rather than an object of devotion. On a slip of paper beneath him is written a "confession" in which the preacher justifies his past actions by saying that he has now found salvation.”
Analysis of Street Preacher 2-3 Paragraphs Prompt: What story does this painting reveal about the man? Write an assertion (claim) that can be proven by the evidence or clues in the painting. Support your claim with observations, stylistic details and explanations about the significance of these examples. (The rosary reveals the preacher’s …. Conclude with a statement about the artists intention / purpose. What was he trying to make the audience think or do as a result of viewing this painting?
Works Cited “Street Preacher” (1995) by Alex Rubio “Chicana” by Arlette Lucero AXES California State University San Marcos axes.htm Kelly Carr