Human Potential Centre, AUT Lucy Hone, Human Potential Centre, AUT NZAPP Conference June 9th 2013
“filled with positive emotion and to be functioning well psychologically and socially” (Keyes, 2002) “to live within an optimal range of human functioning, one that connotes goodness, generativity, growth and resilience” (Fredrickson & Losada, 2005) “the experience of life going well… a combination of feeling good and functioning effectively” (Huppert & So, 2009) “upper ranges of positive emotion, engagement, meaning, positive relationships, and positive accomplishment” (Seligman, 2011) Human Potential Centre, AUT
Why should we measure flourishing? If we only measure GDP we have no idea how society is functioning/feeling as a whole If we only measure mental illness we’ll never know about flourishing Single item measures of Life Satisfaction miss so much detail on wellbeing Guide public policy for targeted intervention Allow changes in wellbeing to be tracked over time Allows for international comparisons Human Potential Centre, AUT
Why should we measure flourishing? Learning Productivity Creativity Relationships Pro-social behaviour Health Life expectancy (Diener et al., 2010; Huppert 2009) Human Potential Centre, AUT
Keyes 2002 (2005; 2009; 2010) Languishers TWO TIMES more likely to have depression as moderate mentally healthy Languishers SIX TIMES as likely to have had depression as flourishers Languishers reported significantly more severe limitations on daily activities (vacuuming, lifting, bathing) compared to flourishers Languishers FOUR TIMES as likely to have missed ≥ 6 days of work than moderate mentally healthy. Human Potential Centre, AUT
Keyes Emotional wellbeing: Positive emotion (30 days) Life satisfaction Psychological wellbeing (Ryff, 1989): Self acceptance Positive relationships Personal growth Purpose in life Environmental mastery Autonomy Social wellbeing: Social acceptance Social actualisation Social contribution Social coherence Social integration Huppert& So (ESS) Positive emotion Positive functioning: Engagement Positive relationships Meaning Competence Positive characteristics: Emotional stability Vitality Optimism Resilience Self esteem Seligman (PERMA) Positive emotions Engagement Relationships Meaning Accomplishment Diener et al. (Flourishing Scale) Engagement Positive relationships Meaning & purpose Competence Contributing to others Self acceptance Optimism Respect Human Potential Centre, AUT
The Flourishing Scale: Diener et al (2009) 1.I lead a purposeful & meaningful life 2.My social relationships are supportive & rewarding 3.I am engaged & interested in my daily activities 4.I actively contribute to the happiness & wellbeing of others 5.I am competent & capable in the activities that are important to me 6.I am a good person & lead a good life 7.I am optimistic about my future 8.People respect me Human Potential Centre, AUT
Who’s flourishing in NZ (using the Flourishing Scale)? Older, female and wealthier NZers on average showed higher levels of flourishing (FS) Only very small differences in levels of flourishing between ethnic groups and regions Sovereign Wellbeing Index (2013) Human Potential Centre, AUT
Mean = 43.38, SD = 8.65 (n = 9,858) Min = 8, Max = 56 Skewness = -1.1 Percentiles = (25 th ) (50 th ) (75 th ) 25% scored ≥50 NZ data (SWI): Flourishing Scale Human Potential Centre, AUT