H OW WE GOT HERE Committee in place for 5 years Charge from Superintendent 15 months ago Align E & T policy with Racial Educational Equity policy & strategic framework Called for by community members as part of Jefferson Enrollment Balancing 30+ meetings Listening, learning, prioritizing, deliberating Board work session in September
W HO WE ARE Scott Bailey, Grant Cluster Tracy Barton, Lincoln Cluster Teletha Benjamin, Jefferson/Madison Cluster Marty Berger, Lincoln Cluster (student rep) Allison Bernat, Grant Cluster (co-chair) Gabrielle Bolivar, Jefferson/Roosevelt Cluster Brynna Hurwitz, Wilson Cluster Nicole Markwell, Madison Cluster Shannon McClure, Roosevelt Cluster (PPS teacher) Rita Moore, Roosevelt Cluster Neisha Saxena, Grant Cluster Serilda Summers-McGee, Madison Cluster Kali Thorne-Ladd, Roosevelt Cluster Jason Trombley, Roosevelt Cluster (co-chair) Neeley Wells, Franklin Cluster 3
W HO WE HEARD FROM Neighborhood and Focus Option school principals Enrollment & Transfer, Equity, ESL, Dual Language, Communications, and School Operations & Supports Departments Parents of students with disabilities Asian and Pacific Islander community members Scheduling listening sessions with African- American and Latino community members 4
O UR CURRENT THINKING Shared principles that guided our work Preliminary recommendations Potential next steps 5
SACET B ELIEVES … The strength of the PPS system should be the prevailing consideration—even over the individual needs and desires. That the enrollment system should not exacerbate patterns of segregation by race and class. That neighborhood schools should be the foundation of the PPS system and significant effort brought to bear to create strong schools in every neighborhood. Supports lessening the degree of choice in favor of strengthening neighborhood school enrollment. 6
SACET B ELIEVES … Applauds the increase in equity allocation for school funding, resulting in more program parity. That focus options meant to serve the general population should reflect the demographics of the district. The district needs to provide strong ESL and DLI programs close to home for emerging bilingual students. That all recommendations should be tested for unintended outcomes, and that additional community conversations be held, before making policy changes. 7
SACET’S P RELIMINARY R ECOMMENDATIONS Strategic Focus on Neighborhood Schools Every child deserves a vibrant, sustainable, welcoming and robust neighborhood school. Strategic resource allocation to improve leadership, teaching, program parity and cultural competency. End Neighborhood-to-Neighborhood Lottery Transfers Hardship petitions would still be allowed. Accountability for Focus Option schools Seek transparency and clarity around the purpose they serve and the value they bring to the system as a whole. 8
SACET’S P RELIMINARY R ECOMMENDATIONS Support for Dual Language Immersion Programs Support for expansion, with caution advised for unanticipated impacts of program siting and co-location. Modification of Focus Option Lottery Close opportunity gap for historically underserved students. Modify preferences and weights, add geographic balancer. Supporting Students with Disabilities Students assigned outside their neighborhood school for services should be able to remain at that school to the highest grade, and siblings should be able to join them. Work toward universal design across the district. 9
W HERE DO WE GO FROM HERE ? Seek feedback from the Superintendent and Board Listen to missing voices Work through outstanding issues Simulate results, look for unintended consequences Continue using equity lens tool Participate in district-wide boundary review 10
W HAT DO YOU THINK ? Are we where you expected us to be? What advise do you have as we move toward final recommendations? 11