N ETWORK E VOLUTION IN C OMING 10 Y EARS : H OW W E W ILL C OMMUNICATE Achmad Rully 4 th Oct Ph.D Academy Nakazato Lab, GITS Waseda University
C ONTENT Observing History of Communication Predicting the Future of Population Progress in species communication Conclusion 2014/10/4 2 Ph.D Academy: Network Evolution in Coming 10 Years: What's the Future of Network?
O BSERVING H ISTORY OF C OMMUNICATION Pre-historic or early humans Face-to-face communication Ancient history (year 3000 BC/BCE until year 1500 AD/CE) Face-to-face communication Primitive written communication (ex: using stone) Cryptography Modern history (from 1500 AD/CE) Face-to-face communication Written communication (ex: letter) Cryptography Late modern history (after telephone & network) Plus: Communication through machine (later: smart machine) 2014/10/4 3 Ph.D Academy: Network Evolution in Coming 10 Years: What's the Future of Network?
O BSERVING H ISTORY OF C OMMUNICATION What we learnt: Species do communicate, not only human, but also animal even machine (primitive or smart one) Population growth of some species will have effect on growth of communication volume Eventually population growth in machine will force enhancement of communication Human ability to communicate (to human or to machine) limited to: Gesture/Body language Hand/s (Writing, Typing) Voice Brainwave 2014/10/4 4 Ph.D Academy: Network Evolution in Coming 10 Years: What's the Future of Network?
P REDICTING THE F UTURE OF P OPULATION A 2013 Survey report “a third of the world’s population will own and use a smartphone by the end of 2017” Our Prediction: Smart Machine’s population Smart Machine: Machine that have ability to communicate with others intelligently 2014/10/4 5 Ph.D Academy: Network Evolution in Coming 10 Years: What's the Future of Network?
N ETWORK, FROM H UMAN ’ S TOOL TO M ACHINE ’ S TOOL Content Centric Network (CCN) From more human readable form (DNS, HREF address) To more machine readable form Internet of Thing (IoT) From H2H through H2M (using , VoIP, video conference) To growth of IoT protocols for wide array of machines type, to (maybe) standardize machine communication protocol in layer 7 BigData From Business Intelligence (BI) providing helpful historical data To BigData (big analytic machines communicating with a lot of small machines which provides variety high speed voluminous data) providing future prediction Cryptography From ‘humanly impossible’ (super computer) To ‘machinely impossible’ (quantum computer) 2014/10/4 6 Ph.D Academy: Network Evolution in Coming 10 Years: What's the Future of Network?
C ONCLUSION Smart Machines will outnumber Homo Sapiens (Humans) in 10 years Communication volume of machine-to-machine (M2M) will outnumber human-to-human (H2H) Research to facilitate M2M communication will have more growth in /10/4 7 Ph.D Academy: Network Evolution in Coming 10 Years: What's the Future of Network?
T HANK Y OU Ph.D Academy Network Evolution in Coming 10 Years: What's the Future of Network?