4.2 Area
Sigma Notation
Summation Examples Example: Example: Example: Example:
More Summation Examples
Theorem 4.2 Summation Rules
Theorem 4.2 Summation Rules
Examples Example 2 Evaluate the summation Solution
Examples Example 3 Compute Solution
Examples Example 4 Evaluate the summation for n = 100 and 10000 Note that we change (shift) the upper and lower bound Solution For n = 100 For n = 10000
Summation and Limits Example 5 Find the limit for
Area 2
Lower Approximation Using 4 inscribed rectangles of equal width The total number of inscribed rectangles 2 Lower approximation = (sum of the rectangles)
Upper Approximation Using 4 circumscribed rectangles of equal width The total number of circumscribed rectangles 2 Upper approximation = (sum of the rectangles)
Continued… The average of the lower and upper approximations is L U L A is approximately
Upper and Lower Sums The procedure we just used can be generalized to the methodology to calculate the area of a plane region. We begin with subdividing the interval [a, b] into n subintervals, each of equal width x = (b – a)/n. The endpoints of the intervals are
Upper and Lower Sums Because the function f(x) is continuous, the Extreme Value Theorem guarantees the existence of a minimum and a maximum value of f(x) in each subinterval. We know that the height of the i-th inscribed rectangle is f(mi) and that of circumscribed rectangle is f(Mi).
Upper and Lower Sums The i-th regional area Ai is bounded by the inscribed and circumscribed rectangles. We know that the relationship among the Lower Sum, area of the region, and the Upper Sum is
Theorem 4.3 Limits of the Upper and Lower Sums
Exact Area Using the Limit length = 2 – 0 = 2 n = # of rectangles 2
Exact Area Using the Limit
Definition of the Area of a Region in the Plane
In General - Finding Area Using the Limit b height x base Area = Or, xi , the i-th right endpoint
Regular Right-Endpoint Formula squaring from right endpt of rect. RR-EF intervals are regular in length Example 6 Find the area under the graph of A = 1 5 a = 1 b = 5
Regular Right-Endpoint Formula
Homework Pg. 267 1, 7, 11, 15, 21, 31, 33, 41, 23-29 odd, 39, 43