Do you have a Pregunta? Well….We need to make sure you learn how to make questions and give answers in Spanish! But first.. ¿Sabes la fecha de hoy?
Objetivo / Objective To learn how to make questions and give answers in Spanish
Preguntas y Respuestas? Is it hard to do? Well….do you think it ’ s hard to do it in English?
Sugestiones / Suggestions Focus on the first word –There are only a few “ question words, ” so learn them. –Next, is to listen for main words in the question that you can recognize or “ guess at. ” –Concentrate on the topic of the conversation!
Answer as brief as possible –Take your time! –Don ’ t hesitate to ask for clarification or to have the person repeat the question. –At first, it ’ s a good idea to respond with key words and short phrases! Sugestiones / Suggestions
Relax and remember your English! –Remember that English and Spanish share Latin roots! –A lot of the words look the same. They are just pronounced somewhat different –It ’ s OK to mix both languages if you should forget!
Preguntas / Questions ¿Cuál? ¿Cómo? ¿Qué? ¿Dónde? ¿Cuánto? ¿Cuántos? ¿Cuándo? ¿Quién? ¿Por qué? What/Which? How? What? Where? How much? How many? When? Who? Why?
Wait a minute! ¿Cuál….? Means What or which? How is that possible ?
It ’ s not that it has two meanings…¿Cuál? really means Which? However, in English some questions use What?, where in Spanish it ’ s use Which? …It ’ s a cultural thing!
¿Cuál…? What or Which? ¿Cuál es su nombre? ¿Cuál es su dirección? ¿Cuál es su número de telefono? ¿Cuál es su lugar de nacimiento? What is your name? What is your address? What is your phone number? What ’ s your birthplace?
¿Cuál…? What or Which? ¿Cuál es su libro? ¿Cuál es su lápiz? ¿Cuál es su cuaderno? Which (one) is your book? Which (one) is your pencil? Which (one) is your notebook?
Consejos Calientes Hot Tips There are two good consejos I can give you to help you?
Consejo Uno / Tip One All the pregunta words need accent marks –A few change meaning when you drop the accent! Do you know which ones? Como = I eat Que = that Porque = because
Consejo Dos / Tip Two Always put a “ ¿ ” at the beginning of a question, as well as the “ ? ” at the end –Having a ¿ mark at the beginning communicates right away that a question is in the making! ¿De acuerdo?
Time to practice what you have learned!
Actividad Get your creative juices going and write and answer questions using each of the pregunta words learned. Make sure you translate all of your work! Remember, there are 9 pregunta words….¿De acuerdo?
Guess what? We have other super survival preguntas that you should know! Let ’ s go bananas!
Super Survival Preguntas ¿Le gusta? ¿Entiende? ¿Quisiera? ¿Hay? So you* like it? Do you* understand? Would you (he, she) like some? Is there….or Are there any? *Also: does she or does he
Super Survival Preguntas ¿Le gusta? ¿Entiende? ¿Quisiera? ¿Hay? Do you* want it? Do you* have some? Can you (he, she) do it? Is there….or Are there any? *Also: does she or does he
Consejos Calientes Hot Tips Heads up gang!....The super survival preguntas are even more powerful when other words are added!
Super Survival Preguntas Power ¿Le gusta la comida? ¿Entiende la profesora? ¿Quisiera almuerzo? ¿Hay estudiantes? Do you* like the food? Do you* understand the teacher? Can you (he, she) do lunch? Is there….or Are there any students? *Also: does she or does he