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1.CEA Tech presentation 2.CEA List technologies for Smart Cities 3.Holistic Vision on Smart Cities / Smart Urbanisation CONTENT
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A FRENCH KEY PLAYER IN TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH ALTERNATIVE ENERGIES AND ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION CEA Technologies Science Defense Security Military Applications Division Nuclear Energy Nuclear Energy Division Fundamental research Materials Sciences Division Life Sciences Division Payroll Staff : Research centers Budget: 4,3 B€ 1000 PhD Publications: 3000/year 1608 patents >650 Priority patents per year 169 new companies established since 1972 in the high-tech industry 55 Joint research laboratories Mission DAM : strategic independence of France Mission DEN : energy independence of France Mission DRT : economic competitiveness of France Technological Research Division
A FRENCH KEY PLAYER IN TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH INNOVATION PROCESS : CEA-TECH POSITIONING P ublications P atents Fundamental Research Technological research Industry development Mass-market products P rototypes P roducts RTO ( Research & Technology Organization ) Upstream research Technological transfer Basic Research ‘’joint lab’’ Applied research ‘’joint lab” CEAtech ‘’RTO’s french model’’ Key Partnership with CSTB
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CEA Tech: a wide offer of Key Enabling Technologies L aboratory of E lectronics and I nformation T echnologies L aboratory of I ntegrated S ystems and T echnologies Staff: 750 L aboratoty of I nnovation for new T echnologies for E nergy and Nanomaterial User experience Environmental monitoring, real-time information for users, personalized route management, lighting, geolocation, personal safety User experience Environmental monitoring, real-time information for users, personalized route management, lighting, geolocation, personal safety Smart grids Grid management, network connectivity (renewables, homes, neighborhoods), energy storage Smart grids Grid management, network connectivity (renewables, homes, neighborhoods), energy storage Transportation Electric vehicles, charging stations, emissions reduction and treatment, public transportation, safety and reliability Transportation Electric vehicles, charging stations, emissions reduction and treatment, public transportation, safety and reliability Renewable energy Production, urban energy storage systems, heat networks Renewable energy Production, urban energy storage systems, heat networks Buildings and neighborhoods Energy efficiency, self-powered buildings, home automation, shared networks Buildings and neighborhoods Energy efficiency, self-powered buildings, home automation, shared networks E-services Broadband internet, connectivity, data security, personalized interfaces, interactive advertising E-services Broadband internet, connectivity, data security, personalized interfaces, interactive advertising CEA Tech= 3 Institutes
Energy efficiency and cost reduction Refurbishment of the property stock Industrializing construction processes Innovative diagnosis Interoperable technological innovations Services development Metier evolution Reduce the energy consumption Reduce commuting time and pollution Traffic and fleet management New mobility services Multimodal transport Integration of distributed renewable energy and electric vehicle Network efficiency Bi-directional ICT and energy flux Reliability, availability, network resilience High speed telecom infrastructures Overall system connectivity and interoperability Personal data security Data warehouse Citizen well-being Personal safety Change in sustainable behaviours Citizen participation Entertainment Social life The challenges for our Program Line IoT, Valorisation of the data, Multi-domain convergence Buildings and neighbourhoods Mobility & transport E-Services User experience Energy
ICT for Smart Cities Smart urban spaces Sustainable energy Smart buildings Mobility Resources Digital Infrastructure Communities DESIGN & VALIDATION OF SYSTEMS Designing & checking of critical systems RELIABILITY & SECURITY OF SYSTEMS PharOS real-time technology EFFICIENT COMMUNICATIONS End-to-end radio communication networks MOBILITY IN THE CITY Multimodal interactions (CYBER)SECURITY Video surveillance & cybersecurity OPTIMIZED CONTROL & USES Control & charging of electric parks PREDICTION & DIAGNOSTIC Local short-term forecasts DATA MINING Analysis of the behaviors © CEA INES
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The next challenges for Smarter Cities
European Commission federates several instruments with international and national levels. DG-CONNECT with FP7 projects DG-CONNECT, DG-ENER and DG-RTD with cross-cutting PPPs Green Cars Energy Efficient Buildings EC support DG-MOVE policies Etc Currently, main focus of the current actions is on Building, Heating and Cooling, Electricity and Transport European initiative on the Smart Cities technology roadmap Local and national actions are in a deployment phase Amsterdam, Helsinki, Barcelona Vienna, etc EU and Smart cities
Source: L’Usine Nouvelle N° /08/2014 Lighthouses: 67 Cities and Programs Mobility (Transport) Connected city (Digital infrastructure) Intelligent networks (energy, water…) Security Environment air, biodiversity, circular economy,…) Governance (open data, resilience, …) Social (health, education, culture, …)
Smart urban spaces Sustainable energy Smart buildings Mobility Resources Digital Infrastucture eGovernment Citizen Waste Water Lighting Energy Smart Grids Planning Traffic congestion Intermodality Information everywhere Well being IoT IoSce Safety eHealthcare Social Pollution eTousrism Smart cards District heating Trust Education Storage Etc. !!! Holistic vision of Smart Cities Communities Can we identify some new trends and challenges for Research from this vision?
According to the progress of the different European R&D&I instruments, in the implementation of the demonstrators and the business state of the art, opportunity could be in the organisation of a workshop dedicated to the next steps, so PROPOSAL FOR A WORKSHOP Smart urban spaces Sustainable energy Smart buildings Mobility Resources Communities Objective: sketch from ALL the actions and expertise a set of proposals for EC calls When: October 2 nd Where: Hotel Aston – 1pm When: October 2 nd Where: Hotel Aston – 1pm Digital Infrastucture
MERCI Direction de la Recherche Technologique Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives Institut Carnot CEA LIST Centre de Saclay | Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex T. +33 (0) Etablissement public à caractère industriel et commercial | RCS Paris B Contacts: