Los Angeles Mission College Account in Details Administrative Services Sr. Accountant Jerry Huang 2010
Los Angeles Mission College So far we know how to retrieve our budget report. However, we want to see more in detail, we want to know what have we purchased and expenditures in detail. Unfortunately, there are only semi-monthly or monthly lump-sum figures shown in detail in salary and benefits accounts. For other non-salary related expenditures, you will be able to see more detail information, your PO and your contracts etc. See next slides for more information.
Double click ZLAC ( LACCD ) Reports and you will see a tree-like menu like the one in next side
You can expand this tree-like menu by clicking “+” sign. For budget report, you click on the “+” in front of “Funds Management”. In Funds Management. You can click on Master data, Detail and Summary. Your screen will look like the one in next slide Click the white arrow to go back to previous screen.
Double click “FI Postings” under “Detail” in “Fund Management” to see detail of the GL account in question. You will see s screen similar like the one in next slide
There is no small window like this one when you first see this FI Postings screen. This FI Postings screen is similar like the one in Budget report. All the steps basically are the same as we discussed before, filling out the program #, fund centers, Commitment item/GL and fiscal year/period. Assume that we want to see detail expenditures in classified salary and benefits in M1030A. Because you want to see and , you need to click on the yellow right arrow. NOTE: Employee benefits in is always , and is for employee benefits in all SFPs The default of maximum # of Hits is 500, you can change to higher number if you want to see salary detail for the whole year Click on the execute clock once everything has been filled out. Click for the next slide
This detail account detail screen shows and Under “Text” column, “Payroll items Posting Date xxxx” means this line item is generated by SAP system automatically. These are manual posting with either Journal Voucher ( JV) or Salary Transfer ( ST ). We can see all detail under GL account are mixed together, ,392000, and It is not easy to tell the total of each GL account. We can group them together and show the total of each GL account. Also, the date posting is not in order, we can arrange them by either ascending or descending. Next few slides demonstrate how to group and sort the data.
First let us group this GL account and see the total of each GL account, click any where for the next step Click on the column heading Once the column is highlighted, click on icon like this Click for the next slide
Once we group the column of commitment, the system groups all and respectively regardless the dates. If you scroll down your SAP screen, you can also see the total of Now we want to sort the posting dates either ascending or descending, click for next side
Now let us sort the posting dates by either ascending or descending’ click any where for the next step Click on the column heading, FM pstg. Once the column is highlighted, click on the icons like these two depend on which way you want to sort, one is descending and one is ascending Click for the next slide
Once we sorted data by the posting dates, we can see all data being posted on the same date is grouped together. Unfortunately, the function of sorting data cancels the function of grouping we demonstrated earlier. Next slide will demonstrate how to filter the data we need.
Now we want to see the spending in supplies account, , in Because there are many cost centers in 10100, we can use wild card, *, in Fund Center Remember for better accuracy of data, we need to change the maximum of hit to more than 500 After filling out all required data, click the execute clock.
We can see all supplies expenditures in all cost centers in with different dates mixed up together. Assume we want to see supplies spending between $ 150 to $ 350 in Business Office, M2130A. We highlight 2 column headings, Pymt Budgt and Fund Ctr. Click for next slide
We first highlight one column and press and hold “Ctrl” key on your keyboard as you click on the second column heading Once both columns have been highlighted, click on the funnel icon to filter the data we need After clicking filter icon, a small window pop-up. We just fill in the data we need However, if you want to see every expenditure over 150, you are still required to type 150 to whatever amount. For example, 150 to 10,000 Click for the next slide
This screen shows you the supplies expenditure in Business Office spent between $ 150 and $ 350 However there is only one Purchase Order of $ and not $ in this screen The document # under column of RefDocNo tells you if the line item is a payment or simply just a Good Receipt by our Receiving Department. The document # starts with “50” is a Goods Receipt and “51” is a payment to the vendor Because there is a doc # starts with “51” shown, it means campus has posted the payment. However, according to our district policy, the term of all payments to vendor is NET 30 days which means the check will be issued 30 days after the invoice date. The check for PO of services rendered is issued the following date after the invoice has been keyed into SAP on campus. Click for next slide We will show you how to see the related Purchase Order from this screen and the check issued for the PO.
This screen shows you how to see related PO for the supplies and its check issued to the vendor. Double click any where in he line item that has a doc # starts with “51” and you will see a screen like the one in next slide Click for next slide
Double click on the GL account, in this example, , and you’ll see a screen like the one shown in next slide. Click for next slide
This number is your Purchase Order #. If you move your cursor over this number and double click, the system will bring up your Purchase Order. There will be another training session of training of purchase order in detail. Click for next slide
Now we double click on the vendor #, in this example the vendor # is , and you’ll see a screen like the one shown in next slide. Click for next slide
This screen looks almost the same like previous one when you are finding the PO #. However, there is no PO # in this screen. This is where we can find the check issued to the vendor, provided 30 days has passed since the invoice date. Choose “check information” under the Environment option on top of the screen. Click for next slide This amount is the price before tax This amount is the price includes tax
This number is the check # issued This is the bank check is drawn from This is the $ amount of the check issued. This amount is different than shown in previous screen. This check includes payment from other departments or other campus
Los Angeles Mission College This concludes this session of training Administrative Services Sr. Accountant Jerry Huang 2010