WINNER OF THE IT Innovator Award Press the Enter button to continue…
Westminster Homecare demonstrated the innovative use of information technology to deliver and maintain consistently high levels of service to our service users, through testimonials and a summary of the IT innovations Mark Thomas has implemented over the past year. Infrastructure Changes We have implemented a country wide Virtual Private Network linking all our branch computers systems. Migrated four different Rostering Systems to one system. A centralising Rostering system database has enabled disaster recovery plans like “Branch Buddying” - allowing offices to support each other. We use Remote Access technology so that selected users can access our systems from home. Innovative Technology Care Worker Monitoring We are a leading provider in the use of electronic call logging for monitoring of care delivery, and probably have the largest number of contracts with local authorities that use electronic call logging. Two contracts use logged data as the basis for payroll and electronic billing. Critical Service Users Monitoring and Alerts We use CM2000 to monitor visit delivery times to vulnerable service users. If the care worker does not login within 15 minutes of the scheduled times – an alert is raised via computer popup message or text messaging. On-line Services to Care Workers and Customers Westminster Homecare developed (in-house) the following web services, in response to increasing demand: Care staff – can securely, access their on-line account, offering them the ability to print the latest Rostering schedules, print historical pay listings, and check, prior to payroll, their pay detail report. Service Users - specifically concerned family members, can login to our secure on-line service and see latest planned care schedules (showing who’s visiting and when). The following testimonials will further demonstrate the business benefits of our IT innovations. Press the Enter button to continue…
Hertsmere Adult Care Services – Electronic Monitoring Westminster Homecare has been using electronic monitoring successfully for a number of years for Watford and Potters Bar service users. We were very pleased when three months ago they introduced critical time monitoring to further protect our most vulnerable service users. Technically Supporting Westminster Branches Mark Thomas IT Manager By implementing a company wide VPN and consolidating our rostering systems from 4 to 1, we have reduced the computer hardware at each satellite (remote) branch, as well as the software systems and applications. This had a direct impact on reducing our hardware failures and software asset costs. I am also very pleased to report that I now have DIRECT on-line access to all the computers on our VPN (as well as all printers & fax machines), so I can take immediate control of any system. This in turn has dramatically reduced our technical support query turn around time, and ultimately support costs. Technology At Westminster Homecare Sushil Radia Director Westminster Homecare has big technology ideas, rapid systems deployment, with user friendly technology. Our Information Technology Manager, Mark Thomas, strives to ensure that the technologies are stable, appropriate and cost effective. The proof is in the Pudding In 2004 we asked staff what the biggest challenges were in developing the business. The answer came loud and clear - technology. Staff wanted integrated systems, reliable operating system platforms, wide area networking, modern rostering systems and individual s. In March 2006 when asked the same question, technology was thought to be leading our business not holding it back! Press the Enter button to continue…
Social Care Worker (Westminster Homecare) Jemma Arnold Call Logging - Of course, there was a lot of anxiety towards Call Logging because of its potential impact on our pay, but Westminster Homecare has managed its introduction such that it has not affected our payroll. If anything, the system accurately pays me for visits that have taken longer to do (compared to the Scheduled length). The down side is that if I leave the visit early I will only be paid according to the logged visit lengths. Because Call Logging is another form of visit authentication, I no longer have to complete timesheets – which saves me a lot of time, administration & headaches! London Area Manager (Westminster Homecare) Tina Hurn Call Logging - If we get a payroll or invoice query, we can immediately look up the ‘actual’ care delivery information (via the Call Logging system) allowing me to quickly and accurately respond. On-Line Service User Schedules – We are very excited by this new service being offered to service user families who can now log into our secure on-line service and retrieve the current and future schedule of care for the service user. The information is pulled directly from our live Rostering System data. This reassurance, builds on our commitment to transparency of the services we provide. Field Supervisor (Westminster Homecare) Anne-Marie Nardone Like all agencies Westminster have to print and send out weekly Rota’s to care staff up to a week in advance. The problem we have is that these schedules regularly change. So the ability for us care workers to go on-line, at home, and print off up to date Rota is very convenient. Mark has also given us the ability to see what we are going to be paid, 3 days before pay day! Press the Enter button to continue…
Coordinating From Home Susan Roff Senor Care Coordinator Problem - Care coordinating is not a 9 to 5 job – but traditionally the computer systems of domiciliary care companies are only available during office hours. Solution - The flexibility of being able to work from home with full access to all of Westminster Homecare Systems is very helpful. How It Works - My home computer system is simple to use and mirrors the way I work when I’m at the office. It gives me full access to all my office programs (Rostering, E- mail, and Word-processing documents) any time of the day, 7 days a week. The computer is secure from unauthorized users, and has industry standard virus, and firewall security to prevent hackers and spy ware. I also abide by the companies Computer Systems Policies to ensure perfect security. Out of Hours Monitoring of Care Delivery Joise Hudson Care Coordinator Problem - Domiciliary care providers do not stop work when the office closes. But systems available for managing out of hours care delivery are limited. Solution - Via my home computer, I can now see “LIVE” the whereabouts of my care staff. This allows the system to also alert me to delivery problems especially our critical clients. I no longer work blind to what my care staff are delivering! And this is a very powerful quality control tool. How It Works - The visit monitoring tool provides our Rostering system visits and actual visit details, in real time via a secure on-line website. This means any authorized Westminster Homecare user from any computer (be it in the office or at home) can see what’s actually happening out there in the field. Press the Enter button to QUIT…
The Gala Awards Ceremony