Ecology in our school
We take part in the Comenius project
This is our school
In our school there are some clean up the world groups
Clean up the world groups are working hard
Clean up the world groups clean the area around our school
You recycle-you benfit
We must protect our environment
We shouldn’t pollute our forests
To protect our environment we mustn’t drop litter or pour chemicals into our rivers and lakes
We must recycle paper, cans and glass. To save the energy we must switch off the light when we leave the room.
We should feed animals to help them to survive
Cycling is good for health and environment
That was made from rubbish(leftovers)
We created lots of eco toys and musical instruments from recycled materials
We collect some used batteries, Cds,cans,toners etc.
We plant trees around our school
We plant flowers
We create an Eco-code
We also participate in the National competition about ecology
and in ecological contests
We also celebrate Day of Earth „Recycle rubbish” „Save water”
Eno We plant trees
We clean the area around our school
We collect waste paper (newspapers, magazines and old books)
MZO meeting-We find out how to recycle rubbish
We are on the ecological path
Certificates for saving the environment
Special prizes for pictures connected with ecology
Coursebooks instead of waste
Prizes in the ecological competitions
We help our forest animals to survive winter We feed animals
There are plenty of sacks with food for the forest animals
We are on the ecological path
We take part in performances about ecology in our school
Performance Performance about history of paper
We must protect our enivronment otherwise our planet is going to look like on these pictures
The End Thank you for watching Dawid Matuszczak Kl.VI,,C”