UNDERSTANDING QUESTIONS 1. What does the word “Agriculture and livestock” refer to? 2. What are the main colombian agriculture products? 3. What has caused the decrease of Colombian agriculture? 4. How much agrarian products (In US dollars) are imported to Colombia? How much of them are exported to the US? 5. What is the percentage of Agriculture in Colombia’s GNP? 6. What is the percentage of people working working in agriculture in Colombia?
Agriculture in Colombia Refers to all agricultural activities, essential to food, feed, and fiber production, including all techniques for raising and processing livestock.agricultural Plant cultivation and livestock production have continuously abandoned subsistence agricultural practices in favour of technological farming resulting in cash crops which contribute to the Economy of Colombia.livestocksubsistencecash cropsEconomy of Colombia The Colombian agricultural production has significant gaps in domestic and / or international human and animal sustenance needs.
The primary agricultural products of Colombia are coffee (fourth- largest producer of coffee in the world), cut flowers, bananas, rice, tobacco, corn,sugarcane, cocoa beans, oilseed, vegetables, fique, panela, forest products; and shrimp. In Colombia the agricultural politics and policies are determined by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.agriculturalColombiacoffeeflowersbananasricetobaccocornsugarcanecocoa beansoilseedvegetablesfiquepanelashrimp The share of agriculture in Colombia's gross domestic product (GDP) has fallen consistently since 1945, as industry and services have expanded. However, Colombia's agricultural share of GDP decreased during the 1990s by less than in many of the world's countries at a similar level of development, even though the share of coffee in GDP diminished in a dramatic way. Agriculture has nevertheless remained an important source of employment, providing a fifth of Colombia's jobs in [1]gross domestic product [1]
Still today Colombia is predominantly an agrarian country and resides few exceptions (for example wheat) it is self- sufficient. About 1.4 billions US Dollars worth of exportation of vegetal agrarian products are confronted with about 537 millions of US Dollars worth of imports. The agrarian sector is one which traditionally has produced the highest contribution to the Colombian GNP (1998: 19%) and employs about 34% of the working people.
COLOMBIA MI ABUELO Y YO GUIA DE ESTUDIO 2-3 CAPITULO 3 1. Papá Sesé comparó el universo con algo divertido y entretenido para su nieto, con qué lo comparó? 2. En un periodico leyó que existía algo para estudiar y fotografiar los planetas. Como se llamaba este transbordador? CAPITULO 4 1. En que parte de la casa de los papás del abuelo, vivía el abuelo? 2. Con su primer globo terráqueo, que conceptos de geografía entendió el papá Sesé? 3. Cuál es la ubicación o dirección de Colombia en el globo terraqueo? 4. Cuanto pueden durar un día y una noche en los polos?