Little Weighton Branch Surgery. PROBLEMS- Standards of facilities especially in light of CQC Standards of clinical care offered in facility LITTLE WEIGHTON.


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Presentation transcript:

Little Weighton Branch Surgery

PROBLEMS- Standards of facilities especially in light of CQC Standards of clinical care offered in facility LITTLE WEIGHTON BRANCH SURGERY DOES NOT MEET CURRENT REQUIREMENTS  Poor access  Not DDA compliant  Limited equipment to deal with emergency situations- no oxygen/nebuliser/ECG machine  Confidentiality concerns  Difficult to comply with good practice such as offering chaperone

Little Weighton Surgery – Patient Access

Patient Facilities

Practice Boundary

 patients registered with the practice  611 patient registered in Little Weighton  Only ¼ of Little Weighton patients have used the service in the last 12 months  Of the 150 patients who have used Little Weighton Surgery ¾ of their total appointments have been at South Cave or Brough Surgery  406 appointments at LW  appointments offered over the entire practice in the last 12 months- Appointments

 We are committed to providing a high quality of care and  NHS England commissions us to provide a full range of General medical services which requires access to the wider team and facilities chaperones – HCAs, NP, PNs, Counsellors, Minor surgery, retinal screening, pharmacy advisors  CQC assesses us on how we meet the requirements for a high quality of care  The Disability Discrimination Act demands that we comply with statutory legislation Quality of care

 We are trying to recruit new clinicians at the time of a National GP recruitment crisis and a squeeze on funding  We need to concentrate our resources to maximise benefit to our whole patient population we have several rural villages in our area  We currently have 10 Full time equivalent GPs and 2 Full time equivalent nurse practitioners but in 2014 we have lost Drs Hart and Lyons and two salaried doctors in 2014 and we are stretched  We need there to be a realistic expectation of what we can deliver to all of our patients – 8am-8pm 7 days a week is coming but no new staff (everyone can’t work longer than their current 12 hour days)  There is a complaints culture – increasing complaints from non- LW patients about access to appointments with our reducing resource of personnel Sustainability of existing services

 Continue to provide healthcare at home for the housebound  Continue to visit patients who are too unwell to travel  Expand prescription delivery service as required  Support the Village Hall Committee in their bid- looking at how the facility could be used in the future once of a sufficient standard  Work with the parish council and patient groups to look at transport options-such as the volunteer driver schemes that operate in other areas or pilot schemes  As opportunities arise engage with schemes looking at how to offer health care remotely-eg SKYPE  Encourage representation of Little Weighton on our PPG- Patient Participation Group Our Committment

Consultation Process 20th October 2014 Practice inital meeting with NHS England 30th November 2014 Start of patient consultation and posters put up at all sites Beryl Catterall informed 5th November 2014 Practice met with Parish Council 18 th December 2014 End of the Consultation Period and deadline for Patient Feedback 22nd December Formal Application to be submitted to NHS England to include P ATIENT F EEDBACK AND L ETTERS NHS will take the Application to their Primary Care Meeting and the Public Overview and Scrutiny Panel Meetings NHS England will make the overall decision