Romans 1-8 Glorification. 1:1-171:18-3:203:21-5:21 6-8 THE GOSPEL OF GRACE THE THREE TYPES OF SINNERS JUSTIFICATION SANCTIFICATON Sanctification Positional.


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Presentation transcript:

Romans 1-8 Glorification

1:1-171:18-3:203:21-5: THE GOSPEL OF GRACE THE THREE TYPES OF SINNERS JUSTIFICATION SANCTIFICATON Sanctification Positional 6:1-10 Sanctification Practical 6:11-8:17 Glorification 8:18-39 Justification Explained 3:21-31 Justification Exemplified 4:1-25 Identification: In Adam All Die In Christ All Live 5:11-21 The Immoral Sinner 1:18-32 The Moral Sinner 2:1-16 The Religious Sinner 2:17-3:8 Conclusion: All Are Sinners 3:9-20 Accountable for the Gospel 1:1-5 Addressees The Romans 1:6-7 Aspirations in the Gospel 1:8-15 Acclamation of the Gospel: Salvation to all who believe 1:16-17 ROMANS The Justice of God Revealed Justification’s End Results 5:1-11 THE THREE TENSES OF SALVATION GLORIFICATION


Rapture R.C. Ward, October 2005; adapted from a chart by Ronald C. Merryman now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. Romans 13:11 will appear a second time for salvation …so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him. Hebrews 9:28 This will happen because God will finish what He started. We will never again face temptation. We will be forever with the Lord

Glorification IV.Romans 8:18-39 – THE DOCTRINE OF GLORIFICATION A.Romans 8:18 – Understanding future glorification gives you a correct outlook on present suffering.

Glorification 1.Paul weighed our present sufferings against our future glory and found them incomparable. God wants you to know that your present sufferings are not worthy to be compared with your future glory. 2.God wants you to have a divine perspective regarding your present suffering.

Glorification a)Christian Guarantee #1: You are expected to suffer. Suffering is part of God’s plan for your life. 2 Timothy 3: b)Christian Guarantee #2: Your future glory is superior to your present sufferings. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 c)Christian Guarantee #3: You will be glorified. That is a fact! Romans 8:30

Glorification B.Romans 8:19-27 – What is happening as we wait for future glory? Let’s look at three personages who are groaning at the present time. 1.Romans 8:19-22 – All nature is groaning for future glory. a)Romans 8:19-21a – All nature is anxiously longing for, and eagerly awaiting, the day when the sons of God will be revealed in glory.

Glorification 1)Romans 8:20 – Creation is waiting in anticipation because God subjected it to futility back in the Garden of Eden due to the curse. Genesis 3: )Romans 8:21a – At the second coming, (the revealing of the sons of God, Romans 8:19) when we return with Christ to set up the kingdom, the majority of the curse will be removed.

Glorification b)Romans 8:21b – God promises that nature will be set free from its slavery to corruption on the day God’s children are revealed in all their glory. c)Romans 8:22 – While creation eagerly awaits its freedom from the effects of sin, it groans and suffers childbirth pains.

Glorification 2.Romans 8:23-25 – We believers are groaning for future glory. a)Romans 8:23– Much like creation, we groan while we await the future redemption of our bodies. 1)…having the first fruits of the Spirit. Much to the disappointment of modern Christian thinking, possessing the Holy Spirit means that we will, indeed, suffer. 2 Corinthians 5:1-5

Glorification 2)waiting for…the redemption of the body. In glorification when God changes our bodies, we will groan no more. 1 Corinthians 15:50-54, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 John 3:1-2 3)Is Isaiah 53:4-5 talking about physical healing?

Glorification a.No. Isaiah was writing about spiritual healing when he said by his stripes we are healed. b.Even so, on the day Christ returns in the rapture, we will be glorified and we will experience physical relief because of His finished work on Calvary.

Glorification b)Romans 8:24a – The reason we believers eagerly and patiently wait for future glorification is that we are saved in the hope, or sure confidence, of going to heaven and being freed from all suffering.

Glorification 1)Romans 8:24b – Biblical hope is confident expectation, even though God’s promise is not yet realized. 2)Romans 8:25 – The hope of future glorification makes us eager for eternity. Hebrews 11:13-16

Glorification Glorification 3.Romans 8:26-27 – The Holy Spirit’s groaning on our behalf a)Romans 8:26a – The Holy Spirit helps our weaknesses. (He does not help our strengths. Besides, do we really have strengths?) b)Romans 8:26b – …for we do not know how to pray as we should.

Glorification 1)This does not say sometimes or even when, we do not know how to pray. 2)This sweeping statement says that we absolutely do not know how to pray as we should. c)Romans 8:26c – The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us.

Glorification 1)He groans for us, not through us. He does the groaning; we don’t. This is not a heavenly or angelic language we speak. 2)In fact, this groaning is too deep for human words (literally, is unutterable). This does not come out of our mouths, but rather it is done for us by the Spirit before God’s throne.

Glorification d)Romans 8:27 – God the Father responds appropriately to the groaning of the Holy Spirit. 1)Romans 8:27a – God, who knows human hearts, knows what the Holy Spirit has in mind for us. 2)Romans 8:27b – The Holy Spirit will request of God the Father only that which is in accordance with the will of God.