We have had an amazing experience by meeting new friends at Malvern Outdoor Education Centre. We have done lots of brilliant activities..
Malvern OEC is located near the edge of Malvern Hills. It is in front of nine acres of wooded grounds. You can see a map below.
The girls’ dormitories were very comfortable and cosy. There were twelve girls in our dormitory and four in the other. We had to clean up every morning for the dormitory inspections and we all worked as a team.
All of the boys from Hanbury were together in one dormitory. They all had to work hard to clean their dormitory too.
The food was divine. There were all sorts of meals including a special vegetarian option and jacket potato whether vegetarian or not.
Everyone who did it had an amazing time! Archery is a fun activity at Malvern Hills Outdoor Education Centre.
The punch trail is where we go around the centre finding the punch hole with the number on it. We needed a map and some card and we searched for the number which is hiding around the centre. When the whistle blows we have to go back to base to announce the winner.
The wild woods walk takes place in a muddy, wooded area. Everyone who did it had a great time, as it shows on the picture!
The nightline is an obstacle course where one of us had to wear a blindfold and our partner had to guide us around the course. To do this our partner had to speak clear instructions.
Bush craft is a survival activity. We had to build a den by using twigs and fern. Also we lit a cotton wool bud with flint and steel, all of us produced sparks to light the bud.
Going on the zip wire was great fun and the wind would always blow in your face as you came zooming down! When you got to the bottom people had to work together to get you off the zip wire so the instructor could send the next person down.
There are nine metal hoops on the monkey rings. We have to swing across putting one hand in one ring at a time. It was really fun!
The Mario section is ropes and swinging tyres. We can climb across, we can swing across, and we can crawl across. It was really fun!
On the way up we saw lots of interesting sights such as the magical lamppost from Narnia. When we were on the top of the beacon we were all very tired. On the way back we could not resist rolling down the hill. This is us on the top of the Beacon looking very tired.
The views from the Beacon were really beautiful. You could see miles away from Malvern and you could not possibly have seen a better view. You could see views the whole of Worcestershire and as far as Wales!
We were very proud when we were at the top; we knew we could do it.