Popular Media
The long and crooked path of knowledge From Psychology Journals… to Mass Media… to You. Today we will cover the advantages and disadvantages of the various ways in which knowledge is transmitted to the public
The First Step - Psychology Journals What is the goal of Journals? to Educate and Entertain Who is the author ? a Psychologist (expert in the field) Who is the intended reader ? other Psychologists (other experts) What was the process of selecting and presenting the information?
The First Step - Psychology Journals The Process of selecting and presenting Research --> Confirm Hypothesis --> Disseminate Review process is 2-3 experts on the topic critique the paper, and Editor makes final decision: Reject, Accept, or Revise/Resubmit Advantages? Disadvantages?
The Second Step – Mass Media What is the goal of Mass Media? to Entertain and Educate Who is the author ? a reporter (lay person) Who is the intended reader ? the public (other lay persons) What was the process of selecting and presenting the information?
The Second Step – Mass Media The Process of selecting and presenting Choose a journal article or finding Distill the complex information into an easy- to-read and easy-to-understand format Advantages? Disadvantages?
The Third Step - You You have the ability to critically think You have the ability to skip the second step and go straight to the source You have the ability to apply our critically thinking toolbox
So lets apply what we have learned… Internet What is the goal of Internet sources? Who is the author ? Who is the intended reader ? What was the process of selecting and presenting the information? Advantages? Disadvantages?
Some online sources…. Google Scholar National News websites - ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc Online News websites - Google, etc Skeptic Magazines (and online) - Skeptic Skeptical Inquirer P.E.S.T.S Critical Thinking Community -
Summary of Popular Media Psychology Journals and Mass Media - What is goal?, author?, reader?, process? For Internet Sources - See questions in Ruscio Preface xxvii Be skeptical but open-minded about all sources… including scientists and scientific findings (e.g., Marsden Study)