Jeudi le 29 mai
May 26 th -30 th week lundimardiMercredi 28/5jeudivendredi OFF F 1-Re-test a.m./p.m. Ce/cet/cette/ces Finish presentations ALL notebooks due F 1 Re-test a.m/p.m. quel/quelle/Exam format & Review Over songs Read: Tintin F 1 Exam review Finish Tintin F 1 Finish Tintin Q & A for exam if needed Mon-5 th is 9:30 (60) Tues-5 th, 6 th class Thurs-Exam 5 th Fri-Exam 6 th OFF F 2 Re-test a.m/p.m. Finish LA VIE EN ROSE F 2 Re-test a.m/p.m. Exam format Play verb games & vote F 2 Exam review Start Rocket F 2 Finish Rocket Q & A for exam if needed Mon.—class Tues-Senior exam Thurs-4 th exam Fri-7 th exam OFF F 2PreAP Re-test Finish La vie en rose F 2PreAP Re-test Exam format Play verb games & vote F 2 PreAP Exam format Finish Rocket film F 2 PreAP Study hall Finish Rocket Mon-senior exam, Tues- short class Wed-final exam OFF F 3-Re-test Paris bonus pkt due VOKI bonus due Prac. 5 phrases Song & Skit oral grades F 3-Re-test Finish daily oral grades Draw painting F 3 Start painting Exam format & study guides F 3 Finish painting, Exam review Mon-Senior exam-rest can finish painting Tues-short class-party! Wed-Final exam
F 3 Ivone: Oral grade-poem, quiz vocab-May 14th, daily oral grade-M5p Janely-quiz Sam: daily oral grade-5 phrases 1.Skit practice, exam format out 2.SKIT performance 3. Tonight: Draw out what you’d like your painting to be! Friday: Finish Fairy tales, all makeup work, start painting, review if needed Monday: painting & review Tuesday: Painting done? FFF! Wed-Fri- Exams (2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7) Seniors: Tues. 6/2 7:25-8:25
JANELY F 3 le 2 mai-L’interro-utilisez les notes? 1.I would like to travel abroad and spend some time in Greece. 2.Is the flight for Nice non-stop or is there a stopover(layover)? 3.During the flight, one must fasten their safety belt. 4.I am going to check my bags, look at the schedule and wait in the waiting room. 5.If one misses the train, one must go to the ticket booth and then, one must wait on the platform.
IVONE F 3 L’interro 5/15 Part A Écrivez & traduisez: 1.Faire un séjour 2.À l’étranger 3.À la douane 4.Une valise 5.Rien à declarer 6.Un oreiller 7.La sortie 8.Un bagage à main 9.Acheter un billet 10.Annuler 11.Une couverture 12. Un Aller et retour 13. Quel siège? 14. Une escale 15. La consigne 16. Embarquer 17. Décoller 18. Le comptoir 19. Les horaires 20. Rater 21. The aisle 22. The platform 23. The flight 24. A car (of a train) 25. A shower
F 2 ALL classes: Exam format out Per. 2 -Play games, switch & vote If time, begin “Rocket” Per. 4 –Roshni-SKIT rest: Same as above Per. 7 -finish last minute of “La vie en rose”, play games for feasibility, then really play & switch & vote. Friday: Watch “Rocket” study in hall if needed Mon: Same Tues: FFF & 3 rd per. Exam Wed-Fri- exams- 2,1, 4,5, 6,7) ALL classes: Exam format out Per. 2 -Play games, switch & vote If time, begin “Rocket” Per. 4 –Roshni-SKIT rest: Same as above Per. 7 -finish last minute of “La vie en rose”, play games for feasibility, then really play & switch & vote. Friday: Watch “Rocket” study in hall if needed Mon: Same Tues: FFF & 3 rd per. Exam Wed-Fri- exams- 2,1, 4,5, 6,7)
F 1 1.Anyone want to present your 5 famous Frenchmen? Everyone done JMP? 2. Exam format and See Tintin! Friday: see Tintin! If you need exam tutoring- see me in the hall. Same for Monday! Tues: FFF! 5 th per. Exam: Thurs. June 5 th 6 th per. Exam: Fri. June 7 th 1.Anyone want to present your 5 famous Frenchmen? Everyone done JMP? 2. Exam format and See Tintin! Friday: see Tintin! If you need exam tutoring- see me in the hall. Same for Monday! Tues: FFF! 5 th per. Exam: Thurs. June 5 th 6 th per. Exam: Fri. June 7 th