كاربرد شبكه هاي عصبي در شناسايي و مدلسازي سيستمها
مقدمه اي بر شبكه هاي عصبي
دلايل استفاده از شبكه هاي عصبي در علوم و صنايع مختلف: 1)قابليت يادگيري 2) قابليت تعميم 3)پردازش موازي 4)مقاوم بودن 5)از شبكه هاي عصبي در جاهايي استفاده مي كنيم كه يكسري داده ورودي-خروجي دارييم كه پديده اش را نمي شناسيم.
كاربردهاي شبكه عصبي: 1)پردازش سيگنال 2) پردازش تصوير 3)شناسايي الگو 4)پزشكي forecasting5) 6)اقتصاد و...
Identification and dynamical systems using Neural Networks
Recurrent Networks
Generalized Neural Networks
Back Propagation In Static And Dynamic Systems
Parallel Identification Model
Series-Parallel identification Model
Simulation Results Example 1:
Neural Network modeling of a 200mw boiler system
Ballylumford boiler system
Identification of ARMAX models
Test Results
Neural network
Network structure Neural network training
Local neural network models
Neural boiler modelling: global model
Neural network identification of a nonlinear circuit model of hysteresis
Numerical results
Level, Downhill and Uphill Walking Identification Using Neural Networks
Portable measuring device Signal parametrisation Neural networks classifier Classification of training vectors Classification of unknown vectors, extension to free-living conditions