NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12 Program) CCU has received funding from NSF for 5 years Total NSF Funding $2.3 million AY AY AY AY AY Up to eight GK-12 teams will be selected for AY 11-12
NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12 Program) Funding from NSF’s Division of Graduate Education NSF developed the GK-12 program recognizing that, in addition to being competent researchers, STEM* graduate students must be able to communicate science and research to a variety of audiences. ( *Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Provides Fellowships to train graduate researchers in STEM disciplines in K-12 science education
The GK-12 Program The GK-12 Fellows bring their research and experience into the K-12 classroom to develop skills which enable them to explain science to people of all ages, ranging from students to teachers. Through inquiry-based teaching graduate students also inspire transformation in the K- 12 learning environments and stimulate interest in science among students
Unique Aspects of CCU’s Program All Fellows from the Coastal Marine And Wetland Studies Program Fellows will incorporate their original thesis based research into some lesson plans One half of the teachers will be funded to conduct research with their Fellow during Summer 2010
Benefits for the Teachers Teachers are teamed with a scientist for the academic year. Fellows are not teaching interns. Current and on-going coastal research is introduced in the classroom. Inquiry based activities are developed that the teacher can use each year. $$ benefits are listed on the application
Responsibilities of the Teachers The main responsibility of a GK-12 teacher is to work with their Fellow to create a classroom where scientific learning is enhanced through the introduction of standards based inquiry lessons and activities.
How do I apply? Applications Due March 22, 2011