ATC Simulation as an integral part of ensuring Operational Safety David Webb Air Systems
2 Outline Safety, Training & Simulation System Design & Development Commissioning and Ongoing Support
3 Introduction Safety, Training & Simulation
4 Operational Procedures Training Equipment Operational Safety Safety, Training & Simulation
5 Increasing Traffic, Increasing Expectations Unacceptable scenario Increasing levels of safety are required to maintain the current accident rate
6 ACARS Network ADS-C Surveillance CPDLC Communication GNSS Radar Surveillance ADS-C Surveillance Radar Coverage ADS-C Surveillance ADS-B Network ADS-B Coverage WAM Coverage Mode-S ATM Automation System WAM Surveillance Importance of Equipment
7 Summary – Safety, Training & Simulation Safety as a product of Training, Procedures and Equipment With Increasing Traffic, Increasing levels of safety are required just to maintain the accident rate For Enroute and Approach Control Simulation Equipment is Key
8 Introduction System Design & Development
9 The End User input is critical
10 Training solution as an instance of the Operational solution System Design & Development
11 Summary – System Design & Development The procedural environment and training should be considered from the beginning of system design Expert End users have a critical role in System Development Benefits of the training system being an instance of the operational system
12 Introduction Commissioning and Ongoing Support
13 Commissioning and Ongoing Support Testing, Acceptance and Commissioning
14 Importance of a highly configurable HMI Commissioning and Ongoing Support Registered model by Thales and designed by Anthony Guerrée and Pierre Prigent from Ecole Boulle Photopointcom ©Thales
15 Commissioning and Ongoing Support To ensure Safety after Commissioning, the Operational System and Training System need to evolve together
16 Summary – Commissioning and Ongoing Support End Users who participate in Design and Development should participate in Testing and Commissioning Importance of a highly configurable HMI Training System should evolve with the Operational System
17 Conclusion Systems designed with the training needs of the End User considered as a fundamental design input are an essential part of assuring Operational Safety
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