Sport as Social Institution
Sport refers to competitive games that are won or lost on the basis of physical skills and are played according to specific rules
History Sports started out as part of religious festivals (ancient Olympics) With Industrialization, secularization occurred in society and sports became separate from religion, and developed into a social institution Today, there is a high degree of specialization in sports. (ex: most football players specialize in one position)
FUNCTIONALIST PERSPECTIVE ON SPORTS Sports serves the function of: social integration provides common interests and unites people across racial, ethnic, and class distinctions reinforcing social norms and values sports teach people to value hard work, teamwork, and obedience to authority
CONFLICT PERSPECTIVE ON SPORTS Sports maintain social inequality by: distracting people from their problems legitimizing violence justifying the unequal distribution of wealth
ISSUES in AMERICAN SPORTS Stacking – assigning people to athletic positions based on race Women’s Athletics – Title IX has lessened the participation gap for female and male athletics in college