Taylor Tina Alex and Alexa
Shapes how they see their self 10: see themselves highly skilled or not 11/12: use personal qualities define themselves Gender identity Role Model
Puberty impacts Hide feelings Age 7 Quite, worry and are sensitive Age 8 Dramatic and more positive Age 9 Self-absorbed and strict Age 10 Happier
Emotion turns to the wider world Words to express emotion Teach children self control Childhood fears disappear Teens realize the danger around them
Preventing emotional problems Be patient Self control Anger (changing body) Keep child under control Limits on behavior Talk through issue Understands complex ideas Avoid taking it personally Don’t mean what is said Listen Give chance to explain what& why Complaints ≠ lesser consequences
Teach value of being fit Need to be able to: Explain well Have good judgment Be well organized Have good enthusiasm Goal: real full potential
Physical, intellectual, social change Influences: surroundings/ environment Share bad emotions with friends not parents Realize can feel more than one feeling Coping
Make better bonds Start becoming independent Self-regulation What parents should do Experience, expression, understanding, and regulation Coping skills Advice from peers