Audience Profiling and Advertisement in the magazine AS MEDIA STUDIES Audience Profiling and Advertisement in the magazine
Audience Profiling Demographic Profiling Psychographic Profiling Demographic profiling is the standard form of identification for target audiences. This method defines an audience in terms of age, class, geographical area, economic status and religion. Psychographic Profiling This method categorises audiences in terms of needs and motivation rather than simple demographic factors. This is a more effective way of targeting consumers as they are targeted directly through their needs and desires.
Demographic Profiling Audience Social Grade Social Status Occupation A Upper middle-class High managerial, administrative or professional B C1 Middle-class Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional Lower middle-class Supervisory or clerical, managerial administrative or professional C2 Skilled working class Skilled manual workers D Working class Semi-and unskilled manual workers E Those at Lowest State pensioner or widows (no other earner), casual or lowest-grade workers
Psychographic Profiling Audience Succeeders – A person who wants products that increase their power and control in life. Aspires – A person who wants products which improve their imagine and are fashionable. Carers – A person who wants to be seen as caring for others. Achievers – A person who is motivated by achievement. They are successful work-oriented people who get their satisfaction from their jobs and families. They favour established products and services that show their success their peers. Radicals – A person who goes against traditional views and values. Traditionalists – A person who sticks to traditional views and values. Underachievers – A person who fails to achieve their potential, doesn’t do as well as they expect.
Demographic: for man. For Upper middle-class, who able to buy expensive clothes and who want to be fashionable. Psychographic: succeeders and aspirers. Product increase their power and control in life, improve their imagine and are fashionable.
Demographic: For higher class, middle-age women, who like extravagant and luxurious apparel. Psychographic: Succeeders and aspirers.
Demographic: For everybody who smoking: For mans, woman, people under 18, for every social status people. Psychographic: Succeeders, who wants products increase their power and control in life, for aspirers: young people who want to be fashionable,
Demographic: for little girls, from 5 to 15 years old Demographic: for little girls, from 5 to 15 years old. For every social class. Psychographic: succeeders.
Demographic: For man and woman who like art, who interesting in radical art – body painting. Age under 18. Most popular in Upper middle-class and middle-class. Psychographic: Radicals who goes against traditional views and values, this case traditional art and aspirers who like be fashionable.
College of West Anglia Migle Kirdeikyte