Presented by: LORNA DIG-DINO Assistant Secretary for Programs and Projects Department of Education 2 nd National Conference Sponsored by UST Department of English
K-12 Curriculum Framework and Model K-12 English Curriculum Challenges of K-12 English Language Teaching and Learning
ENVISION Move on w/ Love Vision
Figure 7. The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education Curriculum Framework
Streamline the curriculum to improve mastery of basic competencies Ensure seamlessness of primary, secondary, and post-secondary competencies Improve teaching through the use of enhanced pedagogies (e.g. spiral progression in Science & Math) and medium of instruction Expand job opportunities (by reducing jobs- skills mismatch) and provide better preparation for higher learning
CORE (Communication, Languages, Literature, Math, Philosophy, Science, Social Sciences) + TRACKS (with immersion): Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; Sports and Arts Grades (SHS) Core Learning Areas plus elective TLE Grades 9-10 (JHS Years 3-4) Core Learning Areas and exploratory TLE (1 per quarter) Grades 7-8 (JHS Years 1-2) Core Learning Areas (Araling Panlipunan, English, Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan / Technology & Livelihood Education, Edukasyon Sa Pagpapakatao, Filipino, Math, MAPEH [Music, Arts, PE, Health], Mother Tongue, Science); MTB-MLE from Grades 1-3 Grades 1-6 Learning Domains: character/values development, physical health & motor development, social & emotional development, cognitive/intellectual development, creative/aesthetic development, language literacy & communication Kindergarten
LEARNING AREASUBJECT GRADE 11GRADE 12 Total 1 st Sem2 nd Sem1 st Sem2 nd Sem CORE CURRICULUM Language English Filipino Literature 21 st Century Regional Phil. Lit st Century World Literature 54 CommunicationMedia & Information Literacy 54 Mathematics PhilosophyPhilosophy of the Human Person 54 Natural Science * Life/Physical Sciences – Lecture Life/Physical Sciences – Laboratory Social SciencesContemporary Issues TRACKS Academic STRANDS Total Hours Hours/Day (maximum) Proposed Senior High School Curriculum B for Academic Track** ** Presented at the K-12 Steering Committee Meeting on 6 February 2013 * For BAM and HESS Strands only; STEM students will go through enriched Natural Science (In Maximum Number of Hours)
LEARNING AREASUBJECT GRADE 11GRADE 12 Total 1 st Sem2 nd Sem1 st Sem2 nd Sem CORE CURRICULUM Language English Filipino Literature 21 st Century Regional Phil. Lit st Century World Literature 54 CommunicationMedia & Information Literacy 54 Mathematics PhilosophyPhilosophy of the Human Person 54 Natural Science Life/Physical Sciences – Lecture Life/Physical Sciences – Laboratory Social SciencesContemporary Issues TRACKS Technical- Vocational- Livelihood or Sports and Arts STRANDS Total Hours Hours/Day (maximum) Proposed Senior High School Curriculum for Tech-Voc-Livelihood and Sports & Arts Tracks** ** Presented at the K to 12 Steering Committee Meeting on 6 February 2013 (In Maximum Number of Hours)
The Framework as of Jan.2013
PHILOSOPHY AND RATIONALE: Language: primary instrument of thought & foundation of all human relationships 1
Context of the learners
Guiding principles: e.g. languages are interrelated & interdependent, learning requires meaning, involves building on students’ existing language competence, including the use of non-standard forms of the language,
Ultimate goal: apply the language in interacting with others, understanding and learning other content areas, and fending for themselves
Content standards, performance standards, & competencies per domains of literacy
Teachers’ & Instructional Leaders’ challenges
Move on w/ Love(MOL) GOD BLESS! Vision