DIScovery SciEnce through Computational Thinking (DISSECT) Enrico Pontelli
What is NSF? DISSECT – grant from the National Science Foundation An independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…” NSF grants funding to institutions to promote innovation, education and progress
What is GK-12? NSF Graduate STEM Fellows in K-12 Education (GK- 12) Supports fellowships and training for graduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Interactions with teachers and students in K-12 schools Improve communication and teaching skills Enrich STEM content and instruction for their K-12 partners
What is GK-12? Create a coherent program Enable Fellows to expand their research and skills Target a specific K-12 intervention Fellowships for Graduate Students 1 or 2 years $30,000 per year + some support for tuitions and fees Stipends for Teachers
What is DISSECT? NMSU’s GK-12 Effort 3 to 5 years program 4 to 9 fellows per year 9 teachers per year DISSECT = DIScover SciEnce through Computational Thinking
The “Spirit” of DISSECT Core motivation Computer Science is a pervasive science “All Science is Computer Science” Yet Science is not taught with this perspective Computer scientists are not trained with this perspective
The “Spirit” of DISSECT Overarching goals 1.Create a new generation of computer scientists Nurture a broad view of CS research as instrument for progress in diverse scientific disciplines Prepare CS researchers to be effective in such a broader area
The “Spirit” of DISSECT 2.Create new strategies to teach a more modern science Develop computational skills Develop computational skills Explore science through computational views Explore science through computational views
Our Concrete Goals Fellows goals Expand their research reach Computational research: explore integration with other disciplines (within and outside of computing) Non-computational research: expand enhanced use of computational methods Enhance communication skills Training in pedagogical methods Training and practice in delivery scientific content to a diverse and broad audience
Our Concrete Goals Instructor goals Training in computational thinking and computational methods Assistance and support in introducing computational components in science courses Development of long-term methods to expand students’ preparation in computational thinking
Your Role: DISSECT Fellow You are the scientists Share your research expertise among yourselves Learn new techniques and technologies, explore collaborations among yourselves Explore how to apply your collaborative research knowledge to bring computational thinking in K-12 science classes Create educational modules and materials Assist in training instructors and students Learn new things, work as a team, have fun! More about expectations later on…
Your Role: DISSECT Teacher You are the educational experts Share your expertise in K-12 systems, educational methods and practices Share your expertise in Science education and standards Learn computational thinking and methods Collaborate in developing new modules and materials for Science education based on computational methods
Why are we here today? Preliminary training workshop Learn about DISSECT Meet the team members Start planning the semester activities The first of a series of meetings