District Assessment Coordinators (DAC) Webinar September 8,
● Background/Context for WaKIDS ● DAC Roles in Supporting Teaching Strategies GOLD ® Assessment and Data Reporting ● DAC to DAC: Use of WaKIDS Data o Nancy Katims, Edmonds SD o Peter Finch, West Valley SD (Yakima) Webinar Topics 2
WaKIDS: A Kindergarten Entry Transition Process Cross-Sector Partnership First state K assessment and only one to be observational, strengths- based and whole child- focused Formally recognizes: Parents as partners Collaboration of early learning and K—12 Process and product 3
WaKIDS Assessment Uses an online tool, Teaching Strategies GOLD ® Conducted by trained teachers assessing their own students Occurs over a period of 2 months; completed by October 31 Measures strengths in 6 areas of development and learning Observation-based; ongoing; embedded in classroom activities 4
5 WaKIDS Differs from Other State Assessments
New in 2014 Student Import Tool embedded in Teaching Strategies GOLD ® Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) spring scores accessible to kindergarten teachers in Teaching Strategies GOLD ® Common Core State Standards feature enabled for information purposes only—not for assessment purposes 6
DAC Roles in Supporting Teaching Strategies GOLD ® Assessment and Data Reporting ● Summer/Early Fall: Learn how the Teaching Strategies GOLD ® online system works to provide administrative technical assistance. ● Late August/Early September: Assist with the process of uploading class lists/student rosters to Teaching Strategies GOLD ®. o Collaborate with your CEDARS administrator to be sure SSIDs are assigned by early September to all WaKIDS students. o The Student Import Tool is located on the Teaching Strategies GOLD ® Administrator Site Home Page. o Teachers would like their class lists uploaded by September
DAC Roles in Supporting Teaching Strategies GOLD ® Assessment and Data Reporting ● September/October: Assist with the implementation of Teaching Strategies GOLD ®. o Work with principals to manage the placement of students (transferring across classes or schools within district; adding students) and monitoring progress o Never delete a student from the system! Instead, archive students who have left the district. When in doubt, call the WaKIDS office
DAC Roles in Supporting Teaching Strategies GOLD ® Assessment and Data Reporting Fall/ Winter/ Spring: Play a leadership role in maximizing the use of WaKIDS data, as an integral part of all district assessment data. How can this data be used to: Analyze building and district-level student strengths? Seed conversations with local early learning providers? Communicate with families about their children’s strengths? Document student growth in mathematics and literacy for the purpose of TPEP? (at teacher discretion, and when used at more than one checkpoint) Winter/Spring: Analyze district data available from OSPI in January 2014 through WAMS and State Report Card 9
DAC to DAC: Use of WaKIDS Data Nancy Katims, Edmonds School District Peter Finch, West Valley School District (Yakima) 10
Edmonds School District Approach to Teaching Strategies GOLD ® Data Analysis Full-day workshop with teachers and principals Teams look at district and school data o Identify areas of strength and areas of need o Discuss and share strategies to meet the needs Teachers look at class data o Identify target students to monitor through year District staff share findings with PreK providers at subsequent meeting 11
West Valley—Yakima P-3 Leadership Team: Analyzed data and identified focus on math Official Partner meetings PreK Workshops Universal screening assessment in the fall, winter, and spring using WaKIDS math and easyCBM 12
Questions? WaKIDS Resources Teaching Strategies GOLD technical support: Call Hours: Monday through Thursday 5:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time with a description of your concern and your OSPI and ESD support, contact: Susan Swanberg ( or for questions regarding usernames, transferring users, accessing GOLD, resetting passwords Gretchen Stahr Breunig ( or for questions regarding training, teacher or principal support, ESD contact Kathe Taylor ( or for questions about overall implementation and data OSPI Assessment Analysts for technical questions about student uploads and Your regional ESD WaKIDS Coordinator for technical classroom and curriculum assistance and regional support; see list at: WaKIDS website: