P ATHO G ENO M ICS PORTUGAL Partner 9 P ATHO G ENO M ICS PORTUGAL Partner 9 The ERA-NET PathoGenoMics Berlin, 13th October 2004
Is a Portuguese governmental agency Integrated in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Whose mission is: To promote, fund, monitor and evaluate science and technology institutions, programmes and projects, as well as the training and qualification of human resources; To foster the development and reinforcement of infrastructures for scientific research and technological development; To enhance the diffusion and dissemination of the scientific and technological culture and knowledge, as well as the scientific and technological education; To stimulate the modernisation, co-ordination and public availability of science and technology information sources. Foundation for Science and Technology– FCT ("Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia") Foundation for Science and Technology– FCT ("Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia") The ERA-NET PathoGenoMics Berlin, 13th October 2004
Through funding of proposals presented by institutions research groups and individuals on the basis of independent evaluations of merit Through co-operation agreements and other forms of partnerships with: universities and other public and private institutions It also provides the institutional framework for the Research Councils that were created in Portugal The mission of FCT is mainly carried out: The ERA-NET PathoGenoMics Berlin, 13th October 2004
Mission of FCT Overview Genomic activity Mission of FCT Overview Genomic activity
Budget to Science, Technology and Innovation Programs (Mio €) Budget to Science, Technology and Innovation Programs (Mio €) International Cooperation on R&D Information Scientific and Technologic Culture R&D Projects Support to R&D Institutions Training of Human Resources Mio. € The ERA-NET PathoGenoMics Berlin, 13th October 2004
Budget on Science, Technology and Innovation FCT managment costs Mio. € FCT Budget to Science, Technology and Innovation Programs (Mio €) FCT Budget to Science, Technology and Innovation Programs (Mio €) The ERA-NET PathoGenoMics Berlin, 13th October 2004
Others Genomic/Proteomic Microbiology 1.3 Mio. € 3.25 Mio. € 14 Projects 37 Projects Total of 715 Projects Total of 37 Projects Areas of Life Sciences and Natural Sciences: Projects funded by FCT ( ) Areas of Life Sciences and Natural Sciences: Projects funded by FCT ( )
Area of Human-Pathogenic microorganisms: Projects funded by FCT ( ) Area of Human-Pathogenic microorganisms: Projects funded by FCT ( ) The ERA-NET PathoGenoMics Berlin, 13th October 2004 Funding: 11 Teams 8 Institutions 0.7 Mio.€ Fields: Virulence Immunity Antimicrobial resistance Microorganisms: Klebsiella Candida Leishmania, Plasmodium Gamaherpesvirus Only R&D Projects If considering direct: - Support of R&D Institutions - Support of R&D Institutions - Training of Human Resources - Training of Human Resources 2.1 Mio.€ => 2.1 Mio.€ V V
The ERA-NET PathoGenoMics Berlin, 13th October 2004 Future Mission of FCT on Genomic activity: field of the ERA-NET PATHOGENOMICS Future Mission of FCT on Genomic activity: field of the ERA-NET PATHOGENOMICS
The ERA-NET PathoGenoMics Berlin, 13th October 2004 Area of Human-Pathogenic Microorganisms This area is a priority for FCT: There are several teams already working in Human-Pathogenic Microorganisms FCT is pledged to open transnational programs FCT is interested to define and promote mechanisms of transnational movements and exchange of information and knowledge