Jeopardy ImperialismImperialistic presidents Potpouri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Causes/ effects of WWI The Homefront
$100 Imperialism Q: What was the name of the policy by the U.S. to further its trade interest in China?
$100 Imperialism R: Open Door Policy
$200 Imperialism Q: Which war fought during the time period fits the description of imperialism?
$200 Imperialism R: Spanish American War
$300 imperialism Q: Why did the U.S. have to expand its trade into foreign markets?
$300 Imperialism R: U.S. was producing more than Americans could consume
$400 imperialism Q: economic, political and military competition along with a belief in what all stimulated U.S. imperialism?
$400 imperialism R: Belief in the moral superiority of the Anglo-Saxon culture
$500 imperialism Q: How did the U.S. gain control of the land to build the Panama Canal?
$500 imperialism R: Encouraged and supported Panamanian Independence
$100 imperialistic presidents Q: The name of the extension of Monroe Doctrine, it was used to justify U.S. intervention in Latin America?
$100 imperialistic presidents R: Roosevelt Corollary
$200 imperialistic presidents Q: Roosevelts big stick policy mainly relied on which aspect of imperialism?
$200 imperialistic presidents R: military
$300 imperialistic presidents Q: Tafts mainly dealt with the economic aspects of imperialism, which included encouraging and protecting American interests, this was called?
$300 imperialistic presidents R: Dollar diplomacy
$400 imperialistic presidents Q: What was Wilsons main emphasis of imperialism in which we would not recognize any corrupt or undemocratic government in Latin America ?
$400 imperialistic presidents R: Moral or missionary
$500 imperialistic presidents Q: What was the name of amendment that made Cuba a U.S. protectorate?
$500 imperialist presidents R: Platt amendment.
$100 Cause/Effects of WWI Q: After WWI, the U.S.entered a period of?
$100 Cause/Effects of WWI R: Isolationism
$200 Cause/Effects of WWI Q: Wilsons plan for peace after WWI was called?
$200 Cause/Effects of WWI R: 14 Points
$300 Cause/Effects of WWI Q: Which country had to assume war guilt for WWI and pay reparations?
$300 Cause/Effects of WWI R: Germany
$400 Cause/Effects of WWI Q: Who/what rejected the Versailles Treaty because of the idea of a League of Nations??
$400 Cause/Effects of WWI R: The U.S. Senate
$500 Cause/Effects of WWI Q: What caused president Wilson to have a stroke?
$500 Cause/Effects of WWI R: Non-stop speeches given to win support of the Versailles Treaty
$100 The Home Front Q: What was the mass movement of African Americans from the South to the Northern cities called?
$100 The Home Front R: Great Migration
$200 The Home Front Q: Which two groups filled the void of servicemen leaving the factories?
$200 The Home Front R: Blacks and women
$300 The Home Front Q: What was the goal of Creels Office of Public information?
$300 The Home Front R: Use propaganda to sell the war.
$400 The Home Front Q: The Espionage and Sedition Acts could be used against anyone who?
$400 The Home Front R: Spoke out against WWI
$500 The Home Front Q: Name of the govt agency that regulated wartime production?
$500 The Home Front R: W.I.B. – War Industries Board
$100 Potpourri Q: What are the four areas that the U.S. exercised at least some control of after the Spanish-American War?
$100 Potpourri R: Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Cuba
$200 Potpourri Q: What was the main (most important) part of Wilsons Plan after WWI?
$200 Potpourri R: League of Nations
$300 Potpourri Q: What was the name of the belief that the U.S. had a responsibility to spread civilization to inferior people?
$300 Potpourri R: White Mans Burden
$400 Potpourri Q: That the U.S. would constantly be dragged into European affairs, was the reason for what?
$400 Potpourri The Senate rejecting the Treaty of Versailles
$500 Potpourri Q: Americans were asked to do what so that food supplies could be sent to allied countries?
$500 Potpourri A: Plant Victory Gardens, observe meatless, heatless, and wheatless days.
Final Jeopardy Question Roosevelt Corollary?
Final Jeopardy Response
How Much?
Taft mainly dealt with the economic aspects of Imperialism which included encouraging and protecting American investments. This was called what?
Daily Double Réponse Dollar Diplomacy
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