Presentation Skills: 30 Minute Webinar Series Effectively Handling Questions from Participants.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation Skills: 30 Minute Webinar Series Effectively Handling Questions from Participants

Interact and Learn!

What Well Cover in 30 Minutes Answering Questions While Presenting Handling Questions in the Designated Q and A Handling Questions as the Leader of the Meeting

Answering Questions While Presenting

Consider… Whos in the audience – your role

Situations when audience members want more

Dont argue with your participants

Dont have a conversation with the questioner

Repeat the question aloud to the room

If you can't answer a question, just say so. Don't apologize

Resist the urge to say "That is a good question


Handling Questions in the Designated Q and A

Handling Questions as the Leader of the Meeting

Presentation Skills 30 Minute Webinar Series Thursday, September 8 th at 11:30 am Visual Aids that Work For and Against You