Thinking Like a Geographer Part 1 Project Help Thinking Like a Geographer Part 1
Factors that Influence Climate Table of Contents Date Title Lesson # 9/1 Internal Forces 5 9/3 External Forces 6 9/8 Climographs 7 9/9 Factors that Influence Climate 8 9/10 Project Help 9 1. Find a fresh page. 2. Write the title “Project Help”
Part 1 Physical Features – same as landforms Formed by internal and external processes Example = mountains, rivers Human Features – made by humans Example = ports, highways
Activity Project Work Conversation Yes, whisper, to help kids Help 1. directions, 2. notebook, 3. other kids, 4. HAND, 5. text, Activity Creating a map. Completing steps 1, 3, 4, and 5. Movement No, regular seat at all times, use hand signals Participation Right = sitting, making a map, whispering Wrong = not working, talking loudly, not seated
Rough Draft Object: (think about these 2 questions if you’re struggling) What thing do you own would make you the maddest if I took it away from you. If you could get any present today, what would it be?
3 - 4. Physical Features p. 34 5 - 6. Human Features Airport, Port, Highway (one major road like I-10), Railroad, Power Plant, Colleges, or Stadiums 7. Make sure you use spatial analysis in determining the location of your cities. - Place them next to water - Place them by physical features that people would be able to live near. - Place them by human features that would increase jobs.
Have steps 1 - 5 in Part One done when you walk in tomorrow. Challenge… Your challenge today is to accomplish steps 1 - 5. HOMEWORK: Have steps 1 - 5 in Part One done when you walk in tomorrow.
Day 2 - Part 1, #2 Today’s tasks: Determine where on a world map to place your country. Figure out the latitude and longitude of your country.
EQUATOR = line of latitude, 0 degrees What are these two lines? EQUATOR PRIME MERIDIAN EQUATOR = line of latitude, 0 degrees PRIME MERIDIAN = line of longitude, 0 degrees COPY WHAT IS IN THE BOX
Northern Hemisphere - Latitude from 0° to 90°N 90°N 0° COPY WHAT IS IN THE BOX
Southern Hemisphere Latitude from 0° to 90°S 0° 90°S COPY WHAT IS IN THE BOX
Western Hemisphere Longitude from 0 ° to 180 ° W 180° W 0° COPY WHAT IS IN THE BOX
Eastern Hemisphere Longitude from 0 ° to 180 ° E 180 ° E 0° COPY WHAT IS IN THE BOX
PART 1 - #2 You must determine where on the globe your country is going to be located.
Zones of Latitude A region’s latitude (distance from the equator) can impact its climate. READ ONLY Polar Temperate Tropical Tropical Temperate Polar 15
Tropical Zones: Warm weather year round Tropical Zones: Warm weather year round. Area between the Tropic of Cancer (23 ½ º N) and the Tropic of Capricorn (23 ½ º S). Temperate Zones: Warm summers and cold winters (four seasons). Areas between Tropic of Cancer (23 ½ º N) and Arctic Circle (66 ½ º N) and Tropic of Capricorn (23 ½ º S) and the Antarctic Circle (66 ½ º S). Polar Zones: Cold year round. Areas north of the Arctic Circle (66 ½ º N) and south of the Antarctic Circle (66 ½ º S). 16
POLAR High Latitudes 66.5°N 66.5°N TEMPERATE Middle Latitudes 23.5°N 23.5°N Low Latitudes 0° EQUATOR TROPICAL Low Latitudes 23.5°S 23.5°S Middle Latitudes TEMPERATE 66.5°S 66.5°S POLAR High Latitudes
Tropical Polar Temperate Choosing your climate – Your climate type must match the correct climate zone Tropical Polar Temperate
Multiple Climates Mountains – If you have mountains the climate in your country may change. Mountains = polar climate zone (type = Highlands) Backside of mountains = tropical climate zone (type = desert) Latitude – How close are you to the equator? COPY THIS SLIDE ON YOUR HELP PAGE
Topography - Elevation Elevation is the height above sea level The higher the elevation of a region the cooler the temperature becomes. Cooler Temperatures Warmer Temperatures 20
This area should be a climate found in the temperate zone. Why is it considered polar? China India
Grid Directions Open to the A section of the book. Find the zone of latitude that you wrote by #2. Place your finger on a spot in the ocean where you want your island to be located. Determine your island’s latitude and longitude.
Grid Directions On your blank piece of paper, draw 3 horizontal lines and 3 vertical lines. These are your latitude and longitude lines. Add the numbers at the top and left hand side of your paper for latitude and longitude.
POLAR High Latitudes 66.5°N 66.5°N TEMPERATE Middle Latitudes 23.5°N 23.5°N Low Latitudes 0° EQUATOR TROPICAL Low Latitudes 23.5°S 23.5°S Middle Latitudes TEMPERATE 66.5°S 66.5°S POLAR High Latitudes
Part 2 – 5 Themes of your Island Your goal for today 1. Complete the 5 Themes of Geography for your island. 2. Finish the Final Copy of your map.
Factors that Influence Climate Table of Contents Date Title Lesson # 9/1 Internal Forces 5 9/3 External Forces 6 9/8 Climographs 7 9/9 Factors that Influence Climate 8 9/10 Project Help 9 TURN TO YOUR PROJECT HELP PAGE. IF YOU DON’T HAVE ONE YET, MAKE ONE ON A FRESH PAGE.
5 Themes of Your Island 1. Location - Absolute: Use your grid to determine the absolute location, - write it like this (25º N, 115 º W) - Relative: What is it near?
2. Place - What is it like there? - Physical features = made by nature - Human features = made by humans
3. Human-Environment Interaction - How have humans adapted your environment?
4. Movement - How are people connected to other parts of the world?
5. Region - What is one place it is similar to? - What is one place it is different from? - How is your island similar and different from Houston? - Think about climate, location, physical features, etc. - Remember the climate zone and climate type you chose on Friday
6. Location of Cities Make sure you use spatial analysis in determining the location of your cities. - Place them next to water - Place them by physical features that people would be able to live near. - Place them by human features that would increase jobs.
Part 3 – 5 A’s of your Island’s climate Your goal for today 1. Complete the 5 A’s activity for your island. 2. Finish the Final Copy of your map.
5 A’s Intro TASK - In your notebook, write down as many words as you can think of that are in any way related to the following word… CLIMATE
1. Ask Add your best question to your project Part 3, #1 now. TASK - From the list of words that you wrote down, create two questions that a geographer could ask about your country’s climate. Write these in your notebook on your project help page. Add your best question to your project Part 3, #1 now.
2. Acquire What must you do to find the answer to the question you wrote for Part 3, #1? How will you acquire the data? Write your response to Part 3, #2 on your project paper now.
3. Arrange How are the climates different in your country? What are the factors that affect climate? Elevation Ocean Currents Latitude Mountains (Rain Shadows)
1. Elevation Elevation = height above sea level Higher the elevation, the cooler the climate Cooler Temperatures Warmer Temperatures
2. Ocean Currents READ ONLY
2. Ocean Currents Warm ocean currents make areas warmer and rainier Cool ocean currents make areas cooler and drier Warmer and Rainy Warm Ocean Current Cooler and Drier Cool Ocean Current 40
3. Latitude Latitude (distance from the equator) impacts climate. Tropical = hot, temperate = mild, polar = cold Polar Temperate Tropical Tropical Temperate Polar 41
4. Mountains Mountains impact climate by creating dry and moist areas. The windward side of the mountain is rainy while the leeward side is very dry. Rain Shadows are dry regions created on the leeward side of the mountain Which side is the leeward side, the right or the left? Windward Which side is the windward side, the right or the left? 43
This area should be a climate found in the temperate zone. Why is it considered polar? China India
The Himalayas create a rain shadow. Desert – arid region with very little rainfall Humid Subtropical – warm temperatures, lots of rainfall READ ONLY
3. Arrange How are the climates different in your country? What are the factors that affect climate? Elevation Ocean Currents Latitude Mountains (Rain Shadows) ADD WHATEVER YOU NEED TO ADD TO CREATE MULTIPLE CLIMATES ON YOUR MAP NOW. - YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST THREE CLIMATE REGIONS TO COMPLETE #3.
3. Arrange - Complete Part 3, #3 on your project paper now. After you are finished, create an example of the graph or chart on the back of your Part 3. Include a title, labels, and a key.
After you are finished, create an example of the graph or chart on the back of your Part 3. Include a title, labels, and a key. Graph Help Check your notebook for the different climate types we copied down right before the climograph lesson. Use p. 60-63 for additional information about climate types.
4. Analyze In your notebook, write one positive aspect and one negative aspect about your island’s climate. - Complete Part 3, #4 on your project page now.
5. Apply If you were going to visit your island, what information would be important to know? Complete Part 3, #5 on your project page now.
Closure 1. Question of the Day