1 Hydrox GPC A near neutral pH general cleaner based on Now you can clean surfaces with a low cost hydrogen peroxide cleaner, including marble floors!
2 What is Hydrox GPC? A new hydrogen peroxide based, near neutral general purpose cleaner Based on Proprietary Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide Technology Is Green Certified EcoLogo Safe on all water washable surfaces, including marble Multiple dilutions for multiple applications 1:64 – Spray n wipe, mop bucket 1:128 – Mop bucket, autoscrubber 1:256 – Autoscrubber Phosphate free
3 What is Hydrox GPC? Same cleaning performance as Alpha HP Multi-Surface Cleaner, but with a near neutral pH and fragrance free Concentrate – 5.0 pH 1:64 Dilution – 5.4 pH (Alpha HP 1:64 dilution – 2.3 pH) Improved surface safety profile Safe on marble, copper, brass, floors, glass, walls, any water washable hard surface Effective carpet spotter and cleaner Eventually may replace current Alpha HP Multi-surface Cleaner Note: Hydrox GPC does not kill germs.
4 FeaturesAdvantagesBenefits Near neutral pH hydrogen peroxide cleaner Safe to use on most hard surfaces, including marble One product is all thats needed for floor and general cleaning. Simplifies training EcoLogo third party green certification Will meet customer requirements for certified products Peace of mind that product delivers cleaning performance and is sustainable No VOCs and is fragrance free Non irritating to users and customers, patients, visitors Can be used around patients and customers alike. Can be used 24/7. Good IAQ. Patented Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide Proven cleaning performance on all water washable surfaces One product for multiple cleaning applications; floors, glass, marble, brass, carpet spotting. Reduces inventory of multiple products Key FABs for Hydrox GPC
5 Hydrox GPC A near neutral pH general cleaner based on Now you can clean surfaces with a low cost hydrogen peroxide cleaner, including marble floors!
6 Hydrox GPC packaging and dilutions SKU NoPack SizeDilutions x 2.5L J Fill1:256 / 1:64 (w/o tip) x 5L RTD 1:64, 1:128, 1: x 5 gal pail 1:64, 1:128, 1: x 1 gal 1:64, 1:128, 1:256 Note: will offer 1:375 dilution for maximum economy soon
7 Hydrox GPC Recap New near neutral GPC based on EcoLogo third party green certification Safe on hard surfaces, including marble No added dyes or fragrances Multiple dilutions for various applications, including carpet cleaning