In a classroom, somebody puts their bag on your seat and wont move it. They say they need the room. Do you: A) Say nothing – they are big and scary? B) Say nothing but tell a teacher? C)Complain a lot but dont do anything? D) Let them this time if they promise not to do it again? E) Talk to them about why you need the seat so they understand and do not take it? F) Punch them so they never do it again ?
1933 Hitler takes control of Germany Promised to Make Germany Strong Promised to get rid of Treaty Of Versailles
US decides not to join 1931 – Japan badly hit by depression and army invades Manchuria LON asks nations to stop trade no-one listens, Japan leaves LON 1935 – Italy invades Abyssinya (Ethiopia) League orders nations to stop trade Britain and France agree to let Italy keep what they have if no more
Forbidden by Treaties and LON 1936 Germany formed two alliances Rome- Berlin Axis (Italy) Anti-Comintern Pact (Japan) All felt that LON and TOV had not been fair Wanted more land and power than treaties and LON allowed
Germany begins to get bigger army 1936 – makes alliances with Italy and Japan 1938 Germany moves into Austria – Austrian government asks for help Hitler promises to stop Leaders do nothing October 1938 – Hitler invades part of Czechoslavakia
October Hitler meets Neville Chamberlain (British PM) Hitler says: Only uniting German speaking people Only fair that Germany should be able to defend itself Promises Czechoslovakia will be his last stop
How do these things affect British thinking: WW1 Germany and its demands League of Nations
Mackenzie-King also wanted Appeasement No more Canadian lives lost in War Hitler could stop Stalin
As you are watching the video think about:video The reaction of the crowd to Chamberlains speech What does this tell you about the feeling in Britain at this time?
Why do we have to think about the context (time and situation) when thinking about history? This is called Historical Perspective Given the context, how reasonable do you think appeasement was as a policy?
League of Nations was not strong enough Germany, Italy and Japan upset by Paris peace conference TOV Many demands, especially from Germany seemed reasonable Britain and Canada didnt want another war so soon.