2007/12/08-10Hinode Workshop in China 1 Data Archive & Distribution 鹿野 良平 Ryouhei Kano (NAOJ) & Hinode Team
Hinode Workshop in China2 2007/12/08-10 Contents Flow of Hinode Data: From Hinode to Users Hinode Data Level of Hinode Data Contents of Hinode FIT Files Common keywords of Hinode FITS Files “DARTS” Data Archives and Transfer System in ISAS For Analysis QL (quick look) movies Software environment for Hinode When you publish your analysis based on Hinode data.
Hinode Workshop in China3 2007/12/08-10 References Matsuzaki et al. “Data Archive of the Hinode Mission” 2007, Solar Physics, 243, pp “MODA Plan V1.0 draft”
2007/12/08-10Hinode Workshop in China 4 Flow of Hinode Data: From Hinode to Users
Hinode Workshop in China5 2007/12/08-10 Observation USC in Japan (4times/day) SVALSAT in Norway (15 times / day) SIRIUS (CCSDS Packets) 1 – 2 hours Max. 1week Reformat program (to FITS files) FITS files (Level-0 data ) DARTS (FITS files) “HINODE/DARTS” (Web Interface) Users Flow of Hinode Data Observation to Data Archive
Hinode Workshop in China6 2007/12/08-10 ESA / Norway ( Europa) Lockheed-Stanford ( US West) raw data + B-map JAXA/ISAS Master DB ( raw data ) NASA/GSFC SDAC (US east ) raw data transfer ( thr. Internet) NAOJ SOLAR-B Science Center ( Asia) ( calibrated data + B-map) MSSL ( UK) Flow of Hinode Data Mirroring of Hinode Data in the World
2007/12/08-10Hinode Workshop in China 7 Hinode Data
Hinode Workshop in China8 2007/12/08-10 Levels of Hinode Data Hinode data are classified to 3 levels. Level-0 data Raw data which are just output from each instruments. Distributed by DARTS. Level-1 data Calibrated data regarding intensities and image alignments. Not distributed by any institutes. We (each users) make them from Level-0 data with SSW by ourselves. Level-2 data Physical quantities derived from Level-1 data. Some of Level-2 data will be distributed by DARTS. SP magnetograms calculated by NAOJ and HAO. EIS data (maps of line intensity, Doppler velocity, and non-thermal width) calculated by MSSL. Hinode Data
Hinode Workshop in China9 2007/12/08-10 XRTSOT-FG & SP(Level-2) SOT-SP (Level-0) One image in a file. For snap shots like CaII H. One image in a file. For IQUV, Doppler etc. One set of images in a file. One set of IQUV at one step position in a file. Header V U Q I IQUV Standard FITS format. SOT & XRT FITS files. Hinode Data
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 Header Binary Table Primary Header Binary Table Header Binary Table Data Binary Table EIS FITS files. Header (ASCII) Line1 (Wavelength, Line name etc.) Line2 ・・・ Exposure, Start Time etc. Data (binary) ・・・ Time / Scan direction Wavelength Slit directon One set of images (= 1 raster scan) Fe VI He I O V EIS uses Binary Table Extension of FITS. Hinode Data
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 Common keywords of Hinode FITS Files KeywordExampleDiscription TELESCOP‘HINODE’Name of satellite INSTRUME‘SOT/FG’ ‘XRT’ ‘EIS’Name of instrument DATA_LEV0 or 2Level of data (0=Level-0 data) DATA_OBS ‘ T05:53:29.300’ Start time of exposure or raster EXPTIME0.128Exposure duration [sec] XCEN250.34Solar coordinates (x, y) of the image center [arcsec] YCEN NAXIS2 (XRT & EIS), 2 or 3 (SOT)Dimension of data NAXISn128Number of pixels for nth-dim. CDELT10.15Pixel size for X direction [arcsec] CDELT20.15Pixel size for Y direction [arcsec] FOVX300.3FOV size for X direction [arcsec] FOVY200.6FOV size for Y direction[arcsec] Hinode Data
2007/12/08-10Hinode Workshop in China 12 “DARTS” Data Archives and Transfer System in ISAS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 DARTS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 DARTS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 DARTS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 DARTS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 DARTS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 DARTS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 DARTS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 DARTS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 DARTS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 DARTS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 Report from DARTS DARTS
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 DARTS Contents of Downloaded Data XRT _ fits Date Time
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10
Hinode Workshop in China 28 For Analysis
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 Hinode QL Movies For Analysis
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 For Analysis
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 Software environment for Hinode For Analysis IDL : Interactive Data Language SSW : SolarSoftWare SSWDB: Database for SolarSoftware
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 SSW & SSWDB For Analysis
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 Instruction for Hinode data users Hinode data already have been opened to all solar physicists in the world at the end of May, Hinode team would like to request the following things. Please see the following site for detail. When you use Hinode data, 1. Tell relevant instrument PI(s) what you are working on. 2. We have set up a website so that you can tell us about your project through the site rather than contacting PI(s) directly. When you write papers using Hinode data, 1. When you write a paper, please inculde the standard acknowledgment sentences to Hinode. 2. Please also refer to the relevant instrumentation papers. 3. When your paper is accepted, or when you make a presentation at a conference or hold a press conference on your result, please let us know by sending to publ_hinode (at) solar-b.nao.ac.jp.
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 Hinode On-going Studies
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 Standard Acknowledgment Sentences Acknowledgement to Hinode Hinode is a Japanese mission developed and launched by ISAS/JAXA, with NAOJ as domestic partner and NASA and STFC (UK) as international partners. It is operated by these agencies in co-operation with ESA and NSC (Norway). Hinode is a Japanese mission developed and launched by ISAS/JAXA, collaborating with NAOJ as a domestic partner, NASA and STFC (UK) as international partners. Scientific operation of the Hinode mission is conducted by the Hinode science team organized at ISAS/JAXA. This team mainly consists of scientists from institutes in the partner countries. Support for the post-launch operation is provided by JAXA and NAOJ (Japan), STFC (U.K.), NASA, ESA, and NSC (Norway). Acknowledgement to Hinode Science Center (HSC) (if you used) This work was (partly) carried out at the NAOJ Hinode Science Center, which is supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research "The Basic Study of Space Weather Prediction" from MEXT, Japan (Head Investigator: K. Shibata), generous donations from Sun Microsystems, and NAOJ internal funding.
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 Hinode Instrument Papers Mission overview Kosugi et al. 2007, Solar Physics, 243, pp SOT Tsuneta et al. 2007, Solar Physics, submitted. Suematsu et al. 2007, Solar Physics, submitted. Ichimoto et al. 2007, Solar Physics, submitted. Shimizu et al. 2007, Solar Physics, in press. Tarbell et al. 2007, Solar Physics, in preparation. XRT Golub et al. 2007, Solar Physics, 243, pp Kano et al. 2007, Solar Physics, in press. EIS Culhane et al. 2007, Solar Physics, 243, pp Data archive Matsuzaki et al. 2007, Solar Physics, 243, pp
Hinode Workshop in China /12/08-10 Other Hinode Archive Sites MSSL Lockheed ESA