AS Geography- Unit 1 The Exam:- o 90 mins o 90 marks o Section A tests the breadth of your knowledge & understanding across the whole unit. Marked out of 65. Consists of 6 short, structured questions; x3 physical; x3 human. o Section B tests the depth of your knowledge. 1 min = 1 mark Spend at least 25 mins on this section. One essay from four. Part A = Data stimulus (10 marks) Part B = Extended writing, using your compulsory case studies (15 marks) Top Tips 1)Focus on time management 2)Structure your response 3)Focus on key words and command words 4)Use all resources 5)Support your ideas with case studies & examples Topic 1 – What is globalisation and how is it changing 1)Define globalisation: 2)Give an example of Economic globalisation Cultural globalisation Political globalisation Demographic globalisation Environmental globalisation 3 ) Give 5 factors that have accelerated globalisation 4) Describe how modern TNCs are structured to maximise profits Topic 2 – Global Groupings 1) On the world map mark on: Rich, industrialised countries; NICs; Oil rich; LDCs; Ex-soviet states 2)What is HDI and why is it a good measure of development? 3)Give 3 reasons for the rapid development of SE Asia 4)Name two political groupings First Big Case Study McDonalds Role TNCs play in the redistribution of wealth. 1)A few facts on the location & scale of the investment 2) x 3 positivesx 3 negatives
Second Big Case Study Topic 3 – Global Networks 1)Name an early connection – think early 1900s! 2)Explain why this connection developed 3)What has happened to the old colonial empires? 4)Name 3 modern networks 5)Name 3 natural features/ factors that give a location an initial advantage 6)Name 3 human factors 7) Factors that lead to a location becoming switched off are the of the above Third Big Case Study China, a global winner State Chinas recent economic growth Give 3 reasons for this growth - Which part of China is more switched on? x 3 positivesx 3 negatives Fourth Big Case Study North Korea or Laos: A global loser Sum up N Koreas/Laos global position using three statistics Give 3 reasons for its decline Give 3 impacts of this decline Tesco, Thailand, Poland etc 1)A few facts on location & scale of investment 2) x 3 positivesx 3 negatives Topic 4 – Global Roots 1)The DTM describes the main changes in the UKs population since the start of the I R. 2) In Stage 2 DR but BR. Explain why this happened… 3) In Stage 3 DR and BR starts to rapidly. Explain why this happened… 4)Today our population changes due to. Topic 5 - On the move Fifth Big Case Study Changes to the UKs population 1)Family size has… 2)Age/ sex structure has… 3)Migration & ethnicity has… 4)Jobs have… 5)Social status has
Sixth Big Case Study UKs Ageing Population 1)Draw the rough shape of the UKs population pyramid 2)Give 3 reasons for the shape x 2 positivesx 2 negatives Seventh Big Case Study Poles to the UK 1)Explain how enlargement of the EU influenced this migration 2)Impacts on host x 3 positivesx 3 negatives 3)Impacts on origin x 3 positivesx 3 negatives Eighth Big Case Study Brits to Spain 1)Give 3 reasons for this migration 2)Impacts on host x 2 positivesx 2 negatives 3) Impacts on origin x 2 positivesx 2 negatives Topic 6 - Megacities 1)Describe the location of the 10 biggest cities 100 years ago 2)Describe the location of the 10 biggest cities today 3)Give three reasons for the growth of modern megacities Ninth Big Case Study LA – A developed megacity -Give 3 key dates/ events in the growth of LA - Explain why LA has become a megacity -Describe & explain the growth of LA (2 ideas) -3 impacts -3 key features of PLAN - Why is LA easier to manage than Mumbai? Tenth Big Case Study Mumbai – A developing megacity
-Give 3 key dates/ events in the growth of Mumbai - Explain why Mumbai has become a megacity -Describe & explain the growth of Mumbai (2 ideas) - 3 impacts (-ve) -3 key features of VISION MUMBAI Why is Mumbai difficult to manage? Topic 7 – Global Challenges Advantages associated with globalisation x2 Economic x2 Social x2 Political x2 Environmental Disadvantages associated with globalisation x2 Economic x2 Social x2 Political x2 Environmental Managing the disadvantages 1) Fair Trade x 2 positivesx 2 negatives 2) Ethical Shopping x 2 positivesx 2 negatives 3) Three Rs x 2 positivesx 2 negatives 4) Free Trade x 2 positivesx 2 negatives Key Terms
Ageing population Agenda 21 Baby booms Carbon sink Centrally planned economies Reverse colonialism Connections, connected, disconnected Core and periphery Deindustrialisation Digital divide Dynamic system Ecological footprint Economic migrants Edge city Enclaves Ethnic enclave Export processing zones Fair trade Fertility rate First, third world Fortress Europe Free Trade Globalisation Grey pound Greying Host nations Hyper-urbanisation Illegal migrant IMF Immigration Informal sector Inputs and outputs Just-in-time Megacity Megalopolis Immigration Millennium development goals Modernisation theory Natural increase and decrease Net migration New economy Outsourcing Periphery Population structure Privatisation Pull and push factors Quota Remittances Replacement level Replacement migration Rural-urban migration Seasonal Agriculture Workers Scheme (SAWS) Seasonal workers Sheltered accommodation Social cohesion Source nations Structural adjustment packages Super city Sustainable development Tariff Three Ds Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Tourist enclave Trading blocs Urbanisation World Bank World city